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Author: Chara Pilidou

EMERGE: EMpowERinG civic Engagement and participation

 In Cyprus, civic participation and active citizenship face many challenges, such as institutional barriers or the lack of awareness of citizens of their status. Active citizenship and civic participation are vital for building an equitable and resilient society.

The EMERGE envisions putting forward a comprehensive framework to strengthen civil society and promote civic participation. – Educational resources will be developed to educate and inform citizens on political and social issues and build the capacity of CSOs, Citizens and practitioners. – Citizens will have the opportunity to get in touch with Cypriot CSOs and engage in participatory processes, carry out awareness-raising campaigns to raise citizens’ awareness of the role and contribution of CSOs and encourage their active participation. – Citizens and CSOs will have the chance to network, exchanging experiences and synergies.

The target group of the project is: Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Migrants, CSOs organisations and practitioners from both communities. Change in society can happen through us, and active citizenship can contribute to the realisation of what we can do as citizens, the power we have and the change we can make in this world.

Green League – Sport Alliance for the Environment

 The EU places sport among the top issues of its policy agenda recognising it as an important instrument to increase wellbeing and overcome societal barriers. For instance in the positive impact on health, but also indirectly as an instrument which can contribute to other priority issues such as social inclusion, gender equality, economic growth, and not least the current climate crisis.

The project aim is to enhance the link between sport and the environment through experiential learning, promoting outdoor physical activity as a tool to support environmental awareness, and encouraging sustainable practices in sport.

During the life cycle of the project, one of the goals is to build the capacity of sport professionals at EU level to promote outdoor physical activity as a tool to educate people on environmental matters by involving them in the collaborative development of the Green League Model. Additionally, local sport events inspired by Nature’s Four elements, will be designed and delivered, to actively engage sport clubs, young sport players, and amateur athletes by setting up local Green Leagues combining sport tournaments and environmental action.

DIGI:GO – Supporting the Digital Transformation of Social Economy Organisation

There is a need to have a coordinated response to help educational and social institutions acquire digital skills, which are needed to keep pace with this fast-changing landscape, where is important to cultivate digital citizenship along with a broader set of digital skills that can facilitate participation and support students in maximizing opportunities and minimizing risks in the digital world (Jackman et al, 2021).

The DIGI:GO project aims to support adult educators, VET providers, teachers and other professionals from the social and education field in the incorporation of online tools to enhance teaching and learning; how to use educational technologies to deliver training in a hybrid environment, and how to use the best pedagogical approaches that will prepare them to effectively deliver a tailor-made training programmes with their target-groups.

The project will have the below results

1) The development of a Toolkit of Digital Skills Development

2) The development of an In-Service Training Programme

3) The development of a E-learning Platform

4) The development of a Policy Paper

Upskilling youth organizations for the inclusion of people with ASD

Participation in community and  social activities is beneficial for a young person’s health and development, including those living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Yet so far, inclusion projects have been primarily focused on youth with physical disabilities and little attention is directed to youth with ASD and their inclusion in youth initiatives in their communities. In order to tackle this issue, there is a high need for the upskilling of local and community youth organizations in order for them to be able to include youth with ASD in their initiatives and match their services with this present and future need to support the psychosocial development and independence of people with ASD.

The project aims at providing youth workers and youth organizations with a new, innovative and accessible learning opportunity on ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). More specifically, the project’s objectives are:

– To support the participation of ASD youth in youth organizations’ activities

 -To increase the attractiveness and accessibility of youth work for ASD youth

– To provide the necessary training methodology and tools to youth workers in order to include ASD youth in their work

– To provide organizational support to youth organizations to include ASD youth in their initiatives by upskilling their administrative and management staff

– To provide youth training opportunities adjusted to ASD needs