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Author: cardet-wpadmin

2B-DIGITAL: Digital competences for a successful adaptation and engagement to on-line VET teaching and learning

2BDigital supports the uptake of innovative approaches and digital technologies for teaching and learning in VET, as well as fostering continuous professional development of VET teachers, to facilitate the adaptation to the digital transition magnified by the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. The key focus areas of the project include tackling the issue of early school leaving and combating failure in education, the design of new innovative educational methods, and the development of training courses for open and distance learning.

2BDigital will train teachers all over Europe to implement and mainstream an innovative online teaching and assessment methodology that will allow VET students to promote their transversal and digital competences boosting their engagement in online education and reducing dropouts. This methodology is grounded in the 2BDigital Competence Framework of transversal competences for engagement in digital learning and working, designed at the beginning of the project.

Strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of technical school students

The event “Pedagogical Methods and Digital Skills: Entrepreneurial Solutions”, organised by CARDET in collaboration with the A’ Technical and Vocational School of Education and Training of Nicosia successfully took place on 6 April.

The event was organised in line with the Centre’s actions and objectives to encourage and enhance the digital and entrepreneurial skills of students and young people. During the event, the students of the A’ TESEK Nicosia and TESEK Larnaca had the opportunity to present their own business ideas to the audience. The ideas, which concern social entrepreneurship using digital technologies, were developed in the framework of the 2BDigital project.

Specifically, the ideas that the students formulated and presented were:

  • Hob-e: the creation of an online application that, using geo-location, will propose to the user entertainment (cinema, theatre, festivals, etc.) and leisure activities (seminars, socialization & exercise activities), in their geographical area.
  • Student’s market: aimed at students, enabling them to buy online packages of consumer product offers (food, detergents, etc.). The packages will be distributed from collection points during hours that do not disrupt the students’ class schedule

In addition, participants learned about innovative approaches and tools in the fields of digital skills and entrepreneurship, and discussed the challenges and opportunities of the sector.

The 2BDigital project aims to develop teachers’ digital pedagogical competences, effective online teaching and training and to ensure educational opportunities for all young people, especially those most vulnerable after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Inclusive Education for Migrant Children: Creating a Welcoming Environment

Adjusting to a new school environment can be one of the biggest challenges for children coming from a migrant or refugee background. Inclusive education has been an emerging need over the last few years, not only in Europe, but also over the globe. It is essential that schools introduce and continue upgrading practices for inclusive education, in order to facilitate a positive learning experience for their migrant students, corresponding to their individual learning needs and taking their unique situation into consideration.

Several actions and projects have emerged in the last few years promoting the collaboration of stakeholders around Europe in the area of inclusive education and the sharing of good practices. CARDET has been actively involved in the implementation of such initiatives, supporting schools and students at a local level. In the last couple of years, the Centre has been working on the project FEINAMC – Foster Educational Inclusion of Newly Arrived Migrant Children, which with its conclusion, has managed to highlight the need for a more inclusive education and opened an honest discussion with schools, working directly with their teachers and students.

The project aimed at replicating and disseminating good practices to promote the inclusion of children with a migration background in education. More specifically, a peer-mentoring programme and a prior knowledge assessment tool were proposed and implemented, addressed to newly arrived migrant children. The project and the proposed good practices have been implemented in schools in five countries in Europe; Cyprus, Spain, Austria, Greece and Italy.

The project concluded with nine policy recommendations to promote the inclusion of migrant children in education, based on experiences, knowledge, discussions and exchange of views and good practices between stakeholders who were actively involved in the development and implementation of the project.

Transforming education is all about transforming culture, and most important to this, is the transformation of a school holistically. It might seem extra challenging attempting to change the overall system, but working with one school at a time brings us closer to our goal for a more inclusive education. Transforming education is all about taking action. There is an abundance of research-backed resources and tools that allow for schools and educators to incorporate inclusive practices in their classrooms and kick-start the change they want to see in education. You can begin your journey by exploring what our project FEINAMC has to offer to you and your students here.

YOWO: Young Workforce – Youth and Gender Equality for Europe’s Welfare

Project YOWO works on strengthening the retention of young talent and, in particular, young people with qualifications, who are victims of social exclusion due to the difficulty of finding jobs that meet their expectations.

The YOUNG WORKFORCE will run for two years and will engage in sharing experiences through discussion and raising awareness of European communities and their young people, following the specific project objectives:

  • Raise awareness about the difficult situation of young people and women in the labour market
  • Promote European values in the fight against youth unemployment and gender inequality in the labour market
  • Engage NEETs to bring them closer to European policies and values
  • Address the problems of gender inequality in the labour market

Supporting artists survive as Freelancers and Entrepreneurs

Supporting artists in developing their entrepreneurship skills is crucial in helping them navigate the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic has negatively impacted many artists’ ability to earn a living, with many struggling to find new avenues to generate income. By developing their entrepreneurial skills, artists can create new revenue streams, market themselves better, and create sustainable businesses. This would enable them to adapt to the changing circumstances and not rely solely on traditional channels of income, thereby increasing their chances of survival. It is therefore essential to invest in programs that provide artists with the necessary training and resources to enhance their entrepreneurship skills.

Such programme is HeART – HElping ARTists of EUrope Survive as Freelancers and Entrepreneurs, an idea that was born during the COVID-19 pandemic, taking into consideration that the cultural and creative sectors were among the hardest hit industries by the pandemic. HeART worked on enhancing the competencies and skills of artists and individuals working in the cultural and creative sectors and securing their inclusion in the labour market and in society in general, focusing on the capacities of  Entrepreneurship, Employability, Business Administration Skills, Psychological Capacities and Digital media skills.

In order to support artists in surviving as freelances and entrepreneurs, HeART produced a number of free resources to empower them and share crucial knowledge with them. Such resource was the Handbook for Young Artists, which contains a plethora of information, good practices, practical applications and tips, adapted to non-formal educational contexts that will motivate Artists and Culture workers to flourish professionally. It can be used either by the Artists themselves for self-education or by Youth Workers who may utilise the applications to their teaching curriculum or other professionals with relevant expertise.

The project’s team also organised 2 training courses for Young Artists and Culture and Creative sector professionals on how to use Positive Psychology principles to enrich their competencies as artists and creators, acquire entrepreneurship and digital skills and become better equipped on promoting their work more effectively. In addition, HeART offers a free e-Learning space with Online Modules and Open Educational Resources.

CARDET celebrated the completion of the project with an event in collaboration with Intra Portas Theatre Studio to commemorate World Theatre Day. The event brought together artists such as actors/actresses, art tutors, theatre teachers and admirers of the arts, to participate in activities and workshops together, as well as share the work of HeART.

You can access all the free resources and additional information about HeART using the button below

Learn more

GOTHEN: ESC volunteers stories

Twenty volunteers from all around Europe have shared their experience, tips and personal stories, giving the opportunity to other young people from Europe to get a glimpse on what volunteering through the ESC looks like.

Every story shared is different, but one thing remains common; the unforgettable, once in a lifetime experience they will now carry with them for the rest of their lives!

The videos are published on the project’s Instagram page, with the aim to inspire and motivate other young people to take the big step, and apply to the program.

In addition to promoting youth participation and volunteering through the ESC programme, the project works on developing a training addressed to educators and other professionals working with youth in the volunteering field. The “Go Locals” training will cover topics such as Basic Volunteer Management and Community Involvement. The training will be available for free on the project’s website in June 2023.

The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) aims to foster solidarity in European society, engaging young people and organisations in accessible and high-quality solidarity activities. It offers young people opportunities to show solidarity and help resolve challenging situations across Europe through volunteering activities, traineeships or jobs as well as solidarity projects based on young people’s own initiative.

Photography exhibition: Climate change through the eyes of young people

CARDET, with the support of the Terra Cypria – The Cyprus Conservation Foundation and the Nicosia Youth Board, is organising a photography exhibition entitled Capture it – Act on it, on climate change and the environment, on 14 March, 18:00-20:00 at the Melina Mercouri Cultural Centre, Nicosia.

Visitors to the exhibition will have the opportunity to observe the manifestations and impacts of climate change as captured through the photographs submitted in the framework of a photography competition organised by CARDET.

In an effort to contribute to raising public awareness on climate change and environmental protection, CARDET through its ActNow project, organised the photo competition and invited young people from all over Cyprus to capture with photographs the issue of climate change and environmental protection.

Entrance to the exhibition is free of charge.

Register at the link here

For information: or call 99755288 (Nicolas Athinis)

The event takes place in the framework of the European Project ActNow Bridging the Gap between Climate Change and Public Initiatives for Action Project number: 2020-3-CY02-KA205-001979

EPALE Cyprus Ambassador 2023

EPALE is the official digital platform of the European Commission for Adult Education and provides a communication network between stakeholders in the field at national and European level to exchange news, ideas and information.

Adult learning and education can help tackle pressing economic, social and environmental challenges, states the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. As Europeans, we know that adult learning also contributes to improving social cohesion and promotes active citizenship. This awareness is at the core of the European strategies on ALE, and EPALE is part of the European Union’s strategy to promote more and better learning opportunities for all adults.

If you are involved in the adult learning sector as an employer or training professional, volunteer, policy maker or academic, then EPALE is made for you! Explore the platform here

VAM Realities project successfully completed

The end of the year marks the completion of the VAM Realities. The project kick-off back in January 2020 in an aim to provide higher education institutions with skills to guide SMEs into the adoption of VR and AR technologies and the integration of these technologies into their business operations.

In its 16 months of implementation the project has developed a suite of resources for higher education institutions, which include:

  • the VAM Realities State of the Art XR Technology Report: State of the Art Report that provides an overview of the most important and efficient VR/AR/MR technologies currently available to companies and what kind of hardware and software is successfully used in the various industries.
  • the VAM Realities European Survey Report: The report highlights the findings from a Pan-European Survey with 300 SMEs aiming to map the knowledge and needs of companies in regard to XR technology and how they are already benefiting from these technologies.
  • the VAM Realities platform: an online platform offering unique networking opportunities within the field of XR technologies. The platform hosts the VAM Realities Network, an online repository of more than 350 registered XR experts and XR enthusiasts from Europe and the whole world. The platform also hosts the EU XR projects showcase, where you can get access to more than 40 EU-funded XR-related projects from all around Europe.
  • the SME Online Skills Gap Detector: an online self-assessment tool that allows companies/SMEs to find out how well prepared they are – or not – for the increasing importance of VR/AR/MR in their industries.
  • the VAM Realities University Business Cooperation Handbook: a practical handbook which addresses how Higher Education Institutes can support manufacturing SMEs to adopt and integrate XR technologies successfully into their business operations.

You can find more information about the VAM Realities project at the project’s website:

The VETENTRE Project reaches its fruition

After a fantastic two-year journey that engaged more than two hundred European practitioners in VET education, the consortium of the VETENTRE project is proud to launch not only policy recommendations and a toolkit with strategies for VET educators and VET education providers but also an innovative fully self-learning platform.

The VETENTRE project will be officially completed by the end of this month. The project kicked-off in December 2020 aiming to support VET educators to design programmes and activities that promote the entrepreneurial mindset of trainees. To this end, VETENTRE developed a set of resources for VET educators and trainers, as well as adult educators, and other trainers to empower VET educators to develop their entrepreneurial mindset and to make VET education more attractive across Europe, focusing on the entrepreneurial skills of trainers and their capacity to design programmes and activities for learners.

The resources developed by the project include:

  • Entrepreneurship Toolkit for VET: VETENTRE has developed a Toolkit for VET educators that includes resources for integrating entrepreneurship in VET and supporting VET educators to develop entrepreneurship competencies. The Toolkit is aligned with the national frameworks for VET and Entrepreneurship and the EntreComp Framework that was developed by the European Commission.
  • E-learning space and VET entrepreneurship gamified environment: An E-learning platform and OERs that features a self-paced E-learning Course for VET educators, with online training modules that focus on developing the entrepreneurial competences of VET trainers. The E-learning space also hosts an e-Library with useful resources related to VET education needs and priorities.
  • VET and Entrepreneurship curricula: a comprehensive curriculum and training materials infusing entrepreneurship into VET, based on EntreComp and the resources of the VETENTRE Toolkit. The Curriculum includes four Modules supporting VET trainers to better design programmes and activities that promote the entrepreneurial mindset of trainees. Additionally, the training modules have been developed as a self-paced e-learning course, which is open for all VET trainers on the project’s e-learning platform.
  • Policy and practice recommendations derived from VET stakeholder consultations in each partner country.

Over the course of the project, the partners actively engaged VET trainers, VET providers, adult educators, education policymakers, academics, and specialists in all partner countries to identify and document the national and European needs and to ensure the relevance of the project’s results.

These tools and resources have been developed based on the findings of an extensive survey that took place in the beginning of the project in countries of the organisations participating in the consortium and in Europe in general.

The project has also produced a policy recommendation summarising lessons-learned, providing guidance for VET educators and VET education providers and decision-makers. This set of recommendations will be building a bridge between policymakers, organisations, and providers working in VET and add to the dialogue on European-wide policy and its initiatives related to VET, adult learning, and lifelong learning.

For more information on the VETENTRE project, you can visit the project’s website at, or on the project’s Facebook page at