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Photography exhibition: Climate change through the eyes of young people

Photography exhibition: Climate change through the eyes of young people

CARDET, with the support of the Terra Cypria – The Cyprus Conservation Foundation and the Nicosia Youth Board, is organising a photography exhibition entitled Capture it – Act on it, on climate change and the environment, on 14 March, 18:00-20:00 at the Melina Mercouri Cultural Centre, Nicosia.

Visitors to the exhibition will have the opportunity to observe the manifestations and impacts of climate change as captured through the photographs submitted in the framework of a photography competition organised by CARDET.

In an effort to contribute to raising public awareness on climate change and environmental protection, CARDET through its ActNow project, organised the photo competition and invited young people from all over Cyprus to capture with photographs the issue of climate change and environmental protection.

Entrance to the exhibition is free of charge.

Register at the link here

For information: or call 99755288 (Nicolas Athinis)

The event takes place in the framework of the European Project ActNow Bridging the Gap between Climate Change and Public Initiatives for Action Project number: 2020-3-CY02-KA205-001979



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