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Strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of technical school students

Strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of technical school students

The event “Pedagogical Methods and Digital Skills: Entrepreneurial Solutions”, organised by CARDET in collaboration with the A’ Technical and Vocational School of Education and Training of Nicosia successfully took place on 6 April.

The event was organised in line with the Centre’s actions and objectives to encourage and enhance the digital and entrepreneurial skills of students and young people. During the event, the students of the A’ TESEK Nicosia and TESEK Larnaca had the opportunity to present their own business ideas to the audience. The ideas, which concern social entrepreneurship using digital technologies, were developed in the framework of the 2BDigital project.

Specifically, the ideas that the students formulated and presented were:

  • Hob-e: the creation of an online application that, using geo-location, will propose to the user entertainment (cinema, theatre, festivals, etc.) and leisure activities (seminars, socialization & exercise activities), in their geographical area.
  • Student’s market: aimed at students, enabling them to buy online packages of consumer product offers (food, detergents, etc.). The packages will be distributed from collection points during hours that do not disrupt the students’ class schedule

In addition, participants learned about innovative approaches and tools in the fields of digital skills and entrepreneurship, and discussed the challenges and opportunities of the sector.

The 2BDigital project aims to develop teachers’ digital pedagogical competences, effective online teaching and training and to ensure educational opportunities for all young people, especially those most vulnerable after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: Project Number: 2020-1-ES01-KA226-VET-096090

Target Groups

Teachers, Students, VET professionals

Education Level

Secondary, VET