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Month: July 2022

Developing Digital Business attraction skills through continuing VET at work in the local public sector

The BAS project is a three years collaborative Erasmus+ project, comprised of seven EU partners in which its implementation is expected to contribute in developing and enhancing civil servants’ digital skills but also in improving business attraction and inward investment promotion by the local authorities/municipalities, at national and EU level. The project boundaries extend to a degree that allows the following:

Firstly, to equip managers and civil servants from Municipalities with digital competencies in the field of business attraction following the identification and analysis of the training needs of the target groups. Through this analysis, a deeper understanding of what the target groups are lacking both in terms of digital competencies and business attraction will be developed, as well as what expectations arise from the online training module and toolbox.

Secondly, to exchange and identify innovative experiences on business attraction strategies among municipalities in Europe, following the creation of a Business Attraction Toolbox. The toolbox will focus on how to organize and manage the Business Attraction capabilities and how to bring together different factors in attracting, welcoming and supporting investments. Last but not least, the project will develop an e-course on Digital Business Attraction. This e-course will consist of online training modules in aid of managers and civil servants, in strengthening their skills in business attraction and building digital strategies to improve the business attractiveness of the cities.

Bonding Project Leaflet

Τα άτομα μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας στην Ευρώπη τείνουν να αντιμετωπίζουν πολλαπλές προκλήσεις, όπως η μοναξιά και η απομόνωση οι οποίες εντάθηκαν λόγω της πανδημίας της COVID-19. Η αυξανόμενη μοναξιά και η απομόνωση πολλών ατόμων μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας επηρεάζει αρνητικά τη σωματική και ψυχική υγεία τους, επιδεινώνοντας έτσι την ευαλωτότητα και τον πιθανό κοινωνικό αποκλεισμό τους. Διαβάστε περισσότερα για το πως η δράση BONDING στοχεύει στο να αντιμετωπίσει τις προκλήσεις αυτές, διαβάζοντας το ενημερωτικό φυλλάδιο.

Download Leaflet

FMID 2nd partners meeting in Schwerin, Germany

 The partners of the FMID consortium, met on July 18th and 19th 2022 for the project’s 2nd partnership meeting. During the two-days meeting, partners had the opportunity to discuss key milestones and to address future project challenges.

More specifically, the partners focused on the implementation of the project’s results and set a timeline for the upcoming steps. In addition, partners had a first glimpse on the FMID platform which was presented and soon it will be launched.

The project will create a suite of video creation resources for young people and will support youth workers and educators in delivering the video creation training through a bespoke in-service training and a handbook. The project will also develop an e-learning portal.

SOMRA – 3rd Newsletter

SOMRA – Supporting meaningful Occupations for low-qualified Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum seekers using the Green Entrepreneurship Model is an Erasmus+ project that offers an innovative approach to tackle two major challenges of the 21st century, namely climate change and refugee crises, by engaging refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in meaningful occupations that transform them into environment role models with a sustainable impact in their new and previous home. Read more about what we have been up to in the third newsletter of the project.

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CARDET wins gold at Cyprus HR Awards

In an impressive award ceremony organised by BOUSSIAS Cyprus, CARDET, alongside other businesses and organisations, received an important recognition for its efforts and work on building a workplace culture and environment based on respect, personal development and mutual support.

The award was received by CARDET’s Executive Director, Dr Charalambos Vrasidas, who shared with the audience the organisation’s HR vision and expressed its commitment to fostering a positive and productive workplace. He said: “Workplace well-being is a key pillar in our corporate strategy, with a focus on actions and initiatives for the personal development of our people.

A key aspect of our effort is the interpersonal relationships and the promotion of discussion with our employees, which allowed us to operate in a way that meets the needs of our team.

This has been a team effort, at a time when we had to face special circumstances due to the pandemic, to which all our team members contributed, and I thank them warmly. It is certainly an area that we will continue to invest in as we see our staff as the foundation of CARDET’s success and growth.”

CARDET has a dedicated HR Department, led by HR Manager Kiki Kallis, as well as its very own Chief Happiness Officer, Vicky Charalambous. The continuous effort of the HR Department has been tremendous and key to keeping an open communication with staff and ensuring employee feedback reached the organisation’s Leadership. Additionally, the Department has been responsible for several team building activities, trainings and workshops focusing on employee well-being and productivity.

Read more about the ceremony and winners here.

VideoTeach Kick-off in Schwerin, Germany

With a two-day hybrid kick-off meeting in Schwerin and online, the VideoTeach partners initiated the project on March 1st and 2nd 2022. During the meeting, partners agreed on the next concrete steps, discussed the development of a competence profile in terms of content and expertise, collected ideas and discussed and agreed on organisational issues.

The project consortium will work together to create tools and resources to produce high-quality educational videos to promote wider use of online, blended and distance learning. Based on their individual skills, teachers will be supported and motivated to produce their own videos efficiently and in good quality and to use them as a supplement in their teaching.

VideoTeach is funded by the Erasmus+ programme and brings together nine partners from Finland, Spain, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Turkey, Cyprus, Czechia, and Germany.

Read the Greek version below:

Download Newsletter – Greek

Integrating Virtual and Augmented Reality in Higher Education Curricula

VRinHE aims to: build the capacities of HE institutions and their staff, to integrate Virtual and Augmented Reality in teaching and learning, targeting key EU priorities.

The project will sustainably promote digital transformation of the HE sector, by providing relevant stakeholders with innovative methods, approaches, and guidelines to increase the participation rates, improve the quality of HE, and foster university learners’ digital, 21st century skills.

Specifically, the VRinHE project aims at:
1. Building the competences of academics, learning designers, and teaching staff in integrating VR/AR in the design and delivery of courses.
2. Developing a Toolkit, a training course, and a MOOC on integrating VR/AR in higher education.
3. Raising awareness on the need and value to integrate VR/AR in HE in close cooperation with all stakeholders involved, including universities, SMEs, policy makers.
4. Improving the supply of quality higher education opportunities for all.

The project’s main target groups are:
1. Policymakers and leadership teams
2. Learning designers and academics in HE
3. VR development experts and IT companies
4. HE students

Developing innovative video competencies for teachers of the Green Industry

The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated the necessity of a digital transition in every level of the society, which has emerged another reality, in order to promote a digital society, first is it necessary to equip teachers with the necessary competences to fully exploit the potential of digital technologies in education, and adequately prepare learners to live and work in a digital society. On the other hand, during the last years, online videos have been growing in day-to-day use, placing themselves as the main daily used format on mobile phones, rising consumption by 100% per year and consuming more than 70% of internet traffic in 2020.

The VideoTeach project aims to develop educators’ digital competences and promote video education as the main tool for digital teaching.

The project also will work towards:
● promoting video education in rural areas, by providing rural teachers with competences and tools covering digital and video necessities.
● promoting video education in the green industry, supporting the development of methodologies, tools, and video contents in the specific industries of renewable energy.
● supporting rural teachers in the development of their professional career by facilitating the recognition of existing digital learning outcomes, providing structured training and more.

Digital Youth: Preparing Youth Workers for a Digital World

According to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) Thematic Report on Human Capital in 2021, Spain, Cyprus, and Greece ranked below the EU average in terms of advanced skills and development. In the same index, Ireland, Greece, and Cyprus rank below the EU average in terms of internet user skills.

At the same time, the European Commission and relevant organisations’ call for structured activities and initiatives that will boost the digital skills of young people in Europe. Also, according to Eurostat, Young Europeans spend an increasing amount of their time-consuming digital media and use daily devices such as mobile phones, tablets, notebooks, laptops, and computers.

In this direction, the Digital Youth project aims to prepare youth workers to develop their skills and knowledge in order to be able to effectively engage in digital youth work.

The project will:

  • promote the importance of Digital Youth Work in the partner countries and Europe
  • build the skills of youth workers to use digital tools in youth work
  • develop quality resources for digital youth work
  • improve the overall quality of youth work conducted in the participating countries.