Digital Youth: Preparing Youth Workers for a Digital World

According to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) Thematic Report on Human Capital in 2021, Spain, Cyprus, and Greece ranked below the EU average in terms of advanced skills and development. In the same index, Ireland, Greece, and Cyprus rank below the EU average in terms of internet user skills.
At the same time, the European Commission and relevant organisations’ call for structured activities and initiatives that will boost the digital skills of young people in Europe. Also, according to Eurostat, Young Europeans spend an increasing amount of their time-consuming digital media and use daily devices such as mobile phones, tablets, notebooks, laptops, and computers.
In this direction, the Digital Youth project aims to prepare youth workers to develop their skills and knowledge in order to be able to effectively engage in digital youth work.
The project will:
- promote the importance of Digital Youth Work in the partner countries and Europe
- build the skills of youth workers to use digital tools in youth work
- develop quality resources for digital youth work
- improve the overall quality of youth work conducted in the participating countries.