Anti-Rumours Workshop Explores Strategies to Combat Stereotypes and Discrimination
CARDET, hosted on September 26, at the Famagusta Avenue Garage, an impactful Anti-Rumours workshop. The workshop explored the detrimental effects of rumours in communities and provided participants with practical guidance and tools to challenge misinformation and counter stereotypes that feed discrimination and fuel hate, empowering them to promote a more inclusive, understanding society.
The keynote speaker, Dani de Torres, Director of the Spanish Network of Intercultural Cities (RECI), offered valuable insights into the anti-rumours methodology – a proactive approach, designed to combat stereotypes by challenging misinformation and fostering dialogue. He highlighted how this approach has been successfully applied in various contexts with diverse groups, emphasizing the importance of empowering individuals to address stereotypes and promote positive change within their communities.
The workshop was part of the broader Intercultural Cities (ICC) project “Enhancing Structures and Policies for Intercultural Integration in Cyprus”. This initiative is co-funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, and implemented by the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the European Commission. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Project Number: Council of Europe 2023-2024.
More information about the ICC project can be found here.