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Author: Chara Pilidou

Building Resilience and Mindfulness in Youth

BENEFIT is a project focusing on empowering youth workers and young individuals to build resilience and strengthen their mental health, improve their well-being and support their inclusion in the labour market and society.

BENEFIT puts forward a comprehensive plan to empower youth workers and youth on mental wellbeing and further youth employability. Following a participatory approach it will develop and make available catered tools for youth to identify and overcome mental strains that derive from challenges in the labour market as well as resources to educate and empower youth workers to offer mental-health informed support. All its work will be available via an interactive eLearning environment.

The main results of the BENEFIT project will be:

-A Toolkit on Mental Wellbeing for Youth

-A Training Package for Youth Workers on Mental Health Informed Youth work

-An Interactive eLearning Environment

-At least 100 Youth will participate in trainings and workshops of the project

-At least 250 Youth workers will participate in trainings and info events of the project

-5 Information and Dissemination events

-More than 10,000 youth workers and youth will be engaged via its work and actions

Empower Refugee Women through XR supported Language learning

In many EU countries, linguistic education is limited and generally designed to let refugees reach only a basic level of language knowledge. As a consequence, more appropriate materials and methods are needed. Textbooks and lessons should be built on refugees’ needs and daily life in order to provide immediate and useful help to their daily needs.

For example, language lessons should provide basic lexical knowledge, covering issues such as the asylum procedure, documents, medical needs, job seeking, etc. (Bianco & Cobo, 2019). The importance of education relies on recognizing their qualifications and their overcoming of language barriers, increases the potential of refugees to contribute to the socio-economic progress of the receiving country and thus avoid marginalization (Marcu, 2018).

The project aims at involving a second target group which is represented by women with fewer opportunities. Women with fewer opportunities may be women with low skills as well as women that face discrimination and fewer opportunities in a professional and educational world based on their age, sexual orientation, abilities, skills, educational background, professional background, family background etc.

Volumetric 3D Teachers in Educational Reality

Vol3DEdu aims to enhance the purposeful use of eXtended Reality (XR) digital technologies in education for teaching, learning, assessment and engagement.

This includes the development of Volumetric 3D educational teaching content, advance digital pedagogy and expertise in the use of digital tools for teachers, including accessible and assistive technologies and the creation and innovative use of 3D digital education content in current practices.

Equally, it includes developing the XR digital skills and competences for teachers in EU and beyond. Particular attention will be given to the free accessibility of toolkits and use from teachers by underrepresented regions. The created digital content will contribute to the objectives of the “Opening up Education” initiative, designed to boost innovation and digital skills in schools and universities to facilitate Open Learning Environments (opportunities to innovate for teachers and learners) and Open Educational Resources (OER: opportunities to use open knowledge for better quality and access).

Furthermore, the project will support multilingualism within the educational content production, which is a forefront aspiration for diversity and inclusion. The tools available will enhance internationalisation of XR Education for teachers’ training as they cater for the growing use of digital learning, flexible learning pathways, 3D environment creativity in line with educational practices needs and objectives.

The Volumetric digital content inclusion follows the digital needs of generation Z students, which has evolved in higher speed than the digital competences of the educators.

The COVID-19 crisis shed light on the importance of digital education for the digital transformation that Europe needs and Vol3DEdu will enable the transformations and change at teacher level leading to digitally improved XR approaches.

EduChampions | Fostering edupreneurship to embrace learners’ diversity

The EduChampions project aims at nourishing edupreneurship and championing innovative, active, learner-centred pedagogy practices leveraged by a meanigful use of digital resources for learning, thus creating conditions to effectively address learners’ diversity and foster inclusive and equitable approaches in educational settings. The project recalls the crucial role of educators in driving and sustaining innovation and flexibility of opportunities in the VET ecosystem and beyond.

To accomplish these goals, EduChampions partners will create an inspirational interactive board of edupreneurs stories, a learning path for educators and edupreneurs on pedagogy, technology, and edupreneurship, and a set of five online learning stations on an online open-access hub to enable flexible learning paths for those willing-to-be edupreneurs and champions for inclusive, equitable, and diversity-responsive practices in education.

Promoting Astronomy in primary and secondary education

The ARISTARCHUS project aims to promote Astronomy in primary and secondary education and engage learners in interdisciplinary and inclusive activities under STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Building on the Human Orrery, an embodied learning tool, learners will explore fundamental laws of physics and mathematics concepts in an attractive and meaningful way.

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The impact of COVID-19 crisis on diverse democratic perspectives through gender perspective

HEARD is focusing on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the democratic debate, the enjoyment of fundamental rights and work and life balance of women. The project will attempt to kick start the discussion around social engagement through a series of debates, and will promote workshops and public discussion on critical societal issues.

Using Augmented Reality Technology and Simulation-Based Training to Foster Green Economy

The European Commission placed at the centre of its priorities the need to take immediate and drastic actions to fight climate change and to make Europe climateneutral by 2050 (Green Deal). Furthermore, European Ministers for VET, the European Social Partners and the European Commission adopted the ”Bruges Communique” on enhanced European cooperation in VET for 2011- 2020, defining common objectives for 2020 and an action plan for the coming years and states that “the transition to a green economy is a megatrend which
affects skill needs across many different jobs and sectors. Cutting edge technology such as Augmented Reality and Simulations are essential for everybody today green skills and will be important to almost every job in the future”. CARDET, in collaboration with partners from 6 EU countries participate in the GoGreen project, under the ERASMUS+ KA2 programme of the European Commission.

GoGreen – Using Augmented Reality Technology and Simulation-Based Training to Foster Green Economy, is focusing on developing the skills and competences of VET providers to support the professional development of the private sector stakeholders and entrepreneurs and those willing to effectively support Green Economy through the development of a tailored VET green curriculum based on augmented reality technology, simulation training and an innovative Massive Open Online Course.