Empower Refugee Women through XR supported Language learning

In many EU countries, linguistic education is limited and generally designed to let refugees reach only a basic level of language knowledge. As a consequence, more appropriate materials and methods are needed. Textbooks and lessons should be built on refugees’ needs and daily life in order to provide immediate and useful help to their daily needs.
For example, language lessons should provide basic lexical knowledge, covering issues such as the asylum procedure, documents, medical needs, job seeking, etc. (Bianco & Cobo, 2019). The importance of education relies on recognizing their qualifications and their overcoming of language barriers, increases the potential of refugees to contribute to the socio-economic progress of the receiving country and thus avoid marginalization (Marcu, 2018).
The project aims at involving a second target group which is represented by women with fewer opportunities. Women with fewer opportunities may be women with low skills as well as women that face discrimination and fewer opportunities in a professional and educational world based on their age, sexual orientation, abilities, skills, educational background, professional background, family background etc.

https://xrwomenproject.eu/Target Groups
Education Level