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Author: Super User

Boosting the skills of youth to deal with stress at work

A recent European survey of enterprises on new and emerging risks shows that work-related stress is a main concern for administrative business executives and organizations. The EU legislation expresses the need of systematic training and support for young employees so they can perform their duties. BooStress will develop a vocational training package to equip young workers with stress management skills, in the context of health and safety framework, and build their capacity to address relevant challenges at work. The project will upgrade and multiply the opportunities for up-skilling and re-skilling young workers in managing work-related stress, via innovative VET tools and pedagogies, accompanied by skills acquisition assessment, recognition and validation methods; and empower the youth to co-opt with the contemporary market needs in EU.

Entrepreneurship education using challenge-based learning

Through the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan and the Rethinking Education Communication, the European Commission has emphasised the need to embed entrepreneurial learning in all sectors of education including non-formal learning. The project aims to provide high quality opportunities for skills and competences development under an entrepreneurship education programme which will make use of alternative pedagogical methods established in a digital area. More specifically, the T-Challenge project aims at using and creating Web Quests for engaging learners in obtaining a deeper knowledge of the subjects they are studying. Target groups of learners will benefit from receiving innovative and quality training, preparing them with an entrepreneurial mind-set to do better at the Labour Market and giving them recognised outcomes and competences.

Social Innovation Training for Virtual Work Based Learning

Due to changes in the economic environment, demographic change and greater socio-cultural diversity, businesses and organisations are facing a number of challenges and opportunities in effectively managing their day-to-day operations and strategic direction and development. Similarly, socio-cultural diversity is increasing with the greater movement of people. In turn, this creates a set of different learning and skills development needs and generates the need for innovative responses from external providers of education and training.

The project aims to:

  1. Support the continuous professional development of VET professionals working with businesses and organisations to implement social innovation.
  2. Support businesses and organisations in assessing strengths and areas for development in implementing social innovation.
  3. Provide access to tools for businesses and organisations to assist in implementing social innovation.

Designing and Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies

This project seeks to strengthen the professional profile of both teacher educators and teachers in schools by enhancing their capacity to use digital technologies (mobile devices) in ways that are innovative and promote more engaging and more inclusive teaching methods and pedagogies. Specifically, it includes the development of a mobile app that will enable educators to work more effectively in order to research and evaluate these innovations. Therefore it meets the horizontal priority ‘open and innovative practice in a digital era’ since it explicitly seeks to identify and promote innovative teaching and learning methods with technology.

Improving the Integration of low-Skilled Adults Through Developing Mathematical Skills and Community Support

The project aims to improve the integration of low-skilled adults and is in line with some of the key objectives and targets of Europe 2020. Specifically, the project objectives are to: (1) improve the integration of low-skills adults through developing their mathematic skills by using problem-solving ICT-based approach; (2) monitor, assess and collect learners’ achievements in order to facilitate the validation of obtained basis skills; (3) extend and develop educators’ competences needed for effective training of the low-skilled; (4) increase engagement of local communities to foster inclusion and integration of low-skilled adults through education and learning. By developing and implementing a training course and toolkit, adult educators will be able to later train adult learners from all backgrounds in developing their mathematical skills.

Get Your 5 A Day- Mindfulness and Mental Wellbeing at Work: Training and Games for Public Sector Managers.

Mindful Managers aims to develop public sector managers’ skills and competences and positively manage mental wellbeing and build resilience at work using a gamified e-learning tool. Mindful Managers promotes work based learning (WBL) and uses mentoring and coaching at work for training purposes. The project aims to de-stigmatise the discussion around mental health at work and give managers tools and resources to actively support positive wellbeing at work for themselves and their teams. The project is aimed at public sector managers, as statistics show this group is lagging behind in partner countries in a lack of awareness and tools/resources to address psychosocial risks e.g. burnout, at work.

Developing the Employability Skills of Displaced Persons

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there are 65 million people worldwide who have been forcibly displaced from their homes. VET providers face considerable challenges in responding to the demands for enterprise skills development training especially for target groups like migrants/refugees where completely different training approaches, are required. The aim of ONDGO is to support the economic integration of migrants through the creation of a tailored migrant entrepreneurship training programme with a suite of flexible and adaptable training resources that will help VET trainers achieve their integration objectives and support learning on the go! The primary initial target groups addressed by the ONDGO project comprise VET professionals, migrant support workers and individuals from migrant communities who are interested in completing the Enterprise Learning and Skills Curriculum.

Early School Leavers: Drop-in

Early school leaving (ESL) and dropping-out are often seen as the fault of young people. As a result, certain groups of young people remain without basic qualifications and with low skills, which significantly increases the likelihood of unemployment or precarious work. The Drop-in project responds to this need by reintroducing young people, who have dropped out of the formal system in informal and non-formal learning. The project seeks to establish alternative pathways for Early School Leavers and drop-outs towards social inclusion and labour inclusion, by developing and making available a modern, integrated and holistic e-learning and networking platform, tailor-made to the skills and capacities of young drop-outs and ESLs. In addition, the project aims to introduce, pilot and implement new and innovative youth-led methodologies for enhancing ESLs and young drop-outs’ basic and transversal skills.