GOTHEN: ESC volunteers stories
Twenty volunteers from all around Europe have shared their experience, tips and personal stories, giving the opportunity to other young people from Europe to get a glimpse on what volunteering through the ESC looks like.
Every story shared is different, but one thing remains common; the unforgettable, once in a lifetime experience they will now carry with them for the rest of their lives!
The videos are published on the project’s Instagram page, with the aim to inspire and motivate other young people to take the big step, and apply to the program.
In addition to promoting youth participation and volunteering through the ESC programme, the project works on developing a training addressed to educators and other professionals working with youth in the volunteering field. The “Go Locals” training will cover topics such as Basic Volunteer Management and Community Involvement. The training will be available for free on the project’s website in June 2023.
The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) aims to foster solidarity in European society, engaging young people and organisations in accessible and high-quality solidarity activities. It offers young people opportunities to show solidarity and help resolve challenging situations across Europe through volunteering activities, traineeships or jobs as well as solidarity projects based on young people’s own initiative.