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Month: March 2023

GOTHEN: ESC volunteers stories

Twenty volunteers from all around Europe have shared their experience, tips and personal stories, giving the opportunity to other young people from Europe to get a glimpse on what volunteering through the ESC looks like.

Every story shared is different, but one thing remains common; the unforgettable, once in a lifetime experience they will now carry with them for the rest of their lives!

The videos are published on the project’s Instagram page, with the aim to inspire and motivate other young people to take the big step, and apply to the program.

In addition to promoting youth participation and volunteering through the ESC programme, the project works on developing a training addressed to educators and other professionals working with youth in the volunteering field. The “Go Locals” training will cover topics such as Basic Volunteer Management and Community Involvement. The training will be available for free on the project’s website in June 2023.

The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) aims to foster solidarity in European society, engaging young people and organisations in accessible and high-quality solidarity activities. It offers young people opportunities to show solidarity and help resolve challenging situations across Europe through volunteering activities, traineeships or jobs as well as solidarity projects based on young people’s own initiative.

Empowering Youth with ASD and Down Syndrome through Art & Entrepreneurship

We are excited to announce the launch of the latest European initiative – ‘TUA – The Unexpected Artrepreneur’ to help people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Down Syndrome (DS) combat feelings of exclusion and marginalisation. Through the use of visual art, this project aims to provide long-term soft skills of self-expression, social innovation and social participation amongst young people with mental disabilities, as well as to create inclusive and equal learning environments.

The project is set to develop a specialised curriculum and training focused on teaching the intersection of the visual art and entrepreneurship to minimise the challenges experienced at hand. Using an interactive e-learning platform and toolkits, the project hopes not only to enhance the overall feeling of belonging, but also to encourage young people to become agents of social change through art and entrepreneurship. The training materials will be available to support professionals working with youth, as well as teaching toolkits for young people to access concepts about art and social entrepreneurship.

Supported by CARDET, alongside CESIE, ARTIT Athens, Amazing Youth, CARDET, Aproximar and KMOP Policy Center, ‘The Unexpected Artrepreneur’ promises to be a transformative project for these young people, their families and communities. By teaching marginalized youth to share their views and stories with the world ‘The Unexpected Artrepreneur’ seeks to reinforce common values and civic engagement and strengthen young people’s sense of initiative and increase the quality, innovation and recognition of work produced by young people with DS/ASD.

For more information, please visit the project website.

TUA Project Launches Its 1st Newsletter: A Journey of Creativity and Inclusion Begins

We are excited to announce the launch of The Unexpected Artrepreneur (TUA) Project, an inspiring European initiative dedicated to empowering young individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Down Syndrome (DS). This groundbreaking project merges visual arts with entrepreneurship, creating opportunities for creative self-expression and professional growth.

By focusing on these key areas, TUA seeks to promote social inclusion, celebrate the unique talents of young people with disabilities, and advocate for diversity, respect, and equality. The project aims to provide a platform where their perspectives and abilities can shine, enriching both their lives and the communities around them.

TUA’s first newsletter marks an exciting milestone in this journey, offering a glimpse into the project’s goals, activities, and vision for the future. Stay connected for inspiring stories, engaging workshops, and dynamic collaborations that showcase the incredible creativity and entrepreneurial potential of TUA participants!

 Discover more about the TUA Project in the newsletter below.

Photography exhibition: Climate change through the eyes of young people

CARDET, with the support of the Terra Cypria – The Cyprus Conservation Foundation and the Nicosia Youth Board, is organising a photography exhibition entitled Capture it – Act on it, on climate change and the environment, on 14 March, 18:00-20:00 at the Melina Mercouri Cultural Centre, Nicosia.

Visitors to the exhibition will have the opportunity to observe the manifestations and impacts of climate change as captured through the photographs submitted in the framework of a photography competition organised by CARDET.

In an effort to contribute to raising public awareness on climate change and environmental protection, CARDET through its ActNow project, organised the photo competition and invited young people from all over Cyprus to capture with photographs the issue of climate change and environmental protection.

Entrance to the exhibition is free of charge.

Register at the link here

For information: or call 99755288 (Nicolas Athinis)

The event takes place in the framework of the European Project ActNow Bridging the Gap between Climate Change and Public Initiatives for Action Project number: 2020-3-CY02-KA205-001979

EduChampions | Fostering edupreneurship to embrace learners’ diversity

The EduChampions project aims at nourishing edupreneurship and championing innovative, active, learner-centred pedagogy practices leveraged by a meanigful use of digital resources for learning, thus creating conditions to effectively address learners’ diversity and foster inclusive and equitable approaches in educational settings. The project recalls the crucial role of educators in driving and sustaining innovation and flexibility of opportunities in the VET ecosystem and beyond.

To accomplish these goals, EduChampions partners will create an inspirational interactive board of edupreneurs stories, a learning path for educators and edupreneurs on pedagogy, technology, and edupreneurship, and a set of five online learning stations on an online open-access hub to enable flexible learning paths for those willing-to-be edupreneurs and champions for inclusive, equitable, and diversity-responsive practices in education.