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Month: April 2022

ACTIVEYOUTH4LIFE. Active Citizenship for youths by enhancing LIFECOMP competencies through innovative teaching tools and techniques

In May 2018, the EU Council adopted the revised Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, setting out a core set of skills necessary to work and live in the 21st Century. The aim is that everybody should have the essential set of competences needed for personal development, social inclusion, active citizenship, and employment.

In rapidly changing societies, citizens need to develop competences which allow them to successfully manage the challenges posed by transitions taking place in their work, personal spheres, and society. Key competences and basic skills are needed by all for personal fulfillment and development, employability, social inclusion, civic participation, and democracy.

Under this scope, the ACTIVEYOUTH4LIFE project aims to enhance and cultivate youths’ active citizenship mindset, civic participation and environmental awareness, so as to be able to act as responsible citizens by adopting sustainable lifestyles and taking responsibility for the environment in order to effectively tackle climate change issues through the cultivation of LIFEComp competences.

ACTIVEYOUTH4Life is anticipated to have the following outcomes: 1. A training approach for the up-skilling of youth workers. 2. A handbook for educators, trainers and youth workers. 3. Digital Escape Rooms. 4. A collaborative space platform that provides e-learning tools and resources to be used by educators/trainers, youth workers and youths.

Teaching Green: Improve climate change education and awareness in your school

Teaching Green is an international project that aims to support the competencies and skills of teachers (of students aged 10-16) in the implementation of practical environmental education which raises the
awareness of climate change, its impacts and mitigation actions. Find out how you can benefit. 

Download poster in English

VAM Realities third meeting in Limassol

We were happy to welcome our VAM Realities partners in Cyprus for the third face-to-face meeting of the project. The meeting took place in Limassol on April 7th and 8th 2022.
On a very productive first day of the meeting, we went through the important details for the project progress. We were joined by Delta Cygni Labs who demonstrated the POINTR Easy Remote Support, highlighting its benefits on tele-collaboration via AR/MR. We also went through the VAM Realities Study Visits which we are extremely excited to be announcing soon. The first day of the meeting concluded with a tour in the city of Limassol.
On the second day of the meeting the Unveiling of Skills & Training Gap Detector was presented by our partners of TALTECH. We also had a first-hand experience of the possibilities of the 3DQR Studio. Partners also went through Dissemination, as well as budgeting and other administrative things. The meeting was brought to an amicable completion with two study visits at the Cyprus University of Technology; the CUTing Edge-An American Space and the Cyprus Interaction Lab, where we had the opportunity to learn about the research and other activities conducted by the two labs.
You can find more information for VAM Realities and stay tune for future updates on the project’s social media pages and website at:


eDialogue – Using digital tools for dialogue and inclusion

eDialogue aims to educate and empower educators, offering them opportunities to enhance their professional skills, image, and role by learning new and innovative methodologies that will develop their skills in open dialogue moderation. In doing so, it will enable them to become active and skilled leaders in the use of digital tools and open dialogue for social inclusion among students. Specifically, the tools and methodologies that will be developed will support educators in using open dialogue to address current aspects of social exclusion such as discrimination, segregation and racism, bullying and cyber bullying, radicalisation, fake news, and other online misinformation. Through this innovative and integrated approach e-Dialogue addresses diversity and promotes non-discrimination and social inclusion, directly supporting the ‘Social inclusion’ priority.

Media and information literacy and digital competences enhancement for active aging

The present partnership aims at creating new and more engaging ways to foster senior citizens’ digital skills and media and Information literacy -MIL, to increase their ability to defend themselves from ‘different virtual dangers’ (fake news, online scams, ‘fishing’) while empowering them in using ICT tools with confidence in every aspect of their life (government, social media, music and video in streaming…)

PBS-ECEC – Implementing Positive Behaviour Support in Early Childhood Education and Care

Empirical research shows that when School Wide Positive Behaviour Support is implemented systematically and with fidelity for at least 2-3 consecutive years, behavioral problems decrease (20 – 60%), student achievement improves, school climate becomes more positive and safer among children and staff, bullying behaviour decreases, and student social competence improves. Through collaboration between ECEC centers and academic institutions in Europe, PBS-ECEC focuses on applying a program-wide approach to promote children’s socioemotional competence in four EU countries (Portugal, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland) under the ERASMUS+ KA2 programme of the European Commission.

The project will serve the basic need of all partners and their respective target groups to effectively address behavior problems from the very early years of children’s education, by building learners’ socioemotional competence to learn in a socially inclusive environment. Such an accomplishment will have multiple benefits in early childhood education and beyond. It will operate as a preventative means of children’s school failure and problem behaviors. The project results will strengthen teacher education and training, and provide evidenced based practices for promoting socioemotional development in ECEC, a crucial dimension in child development and wellbeing, and a transversal domain in all partner countries. By equipping early childhood teachers with skills as the above mentioned, it is anticipated a boost of their professional development and their well-being. In line with the partners’ work and objectives, the project will support them to expand their knowledge and skills in this topic, improve their capacities to learn, collaborate, and better serve their target groups in their respective countries.