ACTIVEYOUTH4LIFE. Active Citizenship for youths by enhancing LIFECOMP competencies through innovative teaching tools and techniques
In May 2018, the EU Council adopted the revised Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, setting out a core set of skills necessary to work and live in the 21st Century. The aim is that everybody should have the essential set of competences needed for personal development, social inclusion, active citizenship, and employment.
In rapidly changing societies, citizens need to develop competences which allow them to successfully manage the challenges posed by transitions taking place in their work, personal spheres, and society. Key competences and basic skills are needed by all for personal fulfillment and development, employability, social inclusion, civic participation, and democracy.
Under this scope, the ACTIVEYOUTH4LIFE project aims to enhance and cultivate youths’ active citizenship mindset, civic participation and environmental awareness, so as to be able to act as responsible citizens by adopting sustainable lifestyles and taking responsibility for the environment in order to effectively tackle climate change issues through the cultivation of LIFEComp competences.
ACTIVEYOUTH4Life is anticipated to have the following outcomes: 1. A training approach for the up-skilling of youth workers. 2. A handbook for educators, trainers and youth workers. 3. Digital Escape Rooms. 4. A collaborative space platform that provides e-learning tools and resources to be used by educators/trainers, youth workers and youths.
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