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Month: July 2021

Bridging the Gap between Climate Change Science and Public initiatives for Action

There is an urgent need to mitigate anthropogenic climate change. However, there is a significant gap between scientific and public understanding of the risks posed by climate change.

The ActNow project aims to build the capacity of youth workers and educators to better integrate climate change and sustainable development topics into formal and non-formal education systems, based on innovative educational material, such as Mobile Augmented Reality Games and Simulation Games.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Develop a broad set of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to sensitise, recruit, mobilise and adequately support youth workers and the youth, enabling them to critically reflect on climate change as a major environmental challenge that requires immediate action
  • Build the capacity of front-line youth workers, professionals and educators to use bespoke Mobile Augmented Reality and Simulations Games;
  • Provide youth workers and youth professionals with the tools and methodology to implement, evaluate and assess key competences of young people through action research based;

Promoting innovation through Cooperative model in entrepreneurship education for adults

Social economy operates a very broad number of commercial activities, provides a wide range of products and services across the European market and generates millions of jobs. Social enterprises and cooperatives are also an engine for social innovation and they are promoters of sustainable development, democratic structure and equitable distribution of economic results.

Despite the great weight of this social economy, there is still a great need in increasing the number of cooperatives and promoting social businesses for a more sustainable development of the society. The general objective of the project is to contribute to strengthening a competitive social economy in Europe through the spread of new cooperatives. More specifically, this project aims at:

  • Strengthening the skills of entrepreneurship trainers promoting cooperative business
  • Exchanging experiences on social entrepreneurship education among trainers across Europe
  • Developing innovative tools and methodologies to assist trainers in their promotion of the cooperative model among adults

To achieve this, the COPE project will develop a learning model on cooperative entrepreneurship, it will conduct a gap analysis, and create a pilot training and a gamified platform.

Supporting meaningful Occupations for low-qualified Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum seekers using the Green Entrepreneurship Model

The SOMRA project offers an innovative approach to tackle two major challenges of the 21st century; climate change and refugee crises. The main idea of the SOMRA approach is to enable refugees, asylum seekers and low-qualified migrants to become true factors of change that influence positive environmental habits first established on a local and regional level, and eventually even beyond the borders of the EU.

Six partner organisations from six EU countries (UK, AT, IE, FI, PT, CY) have joined forces to develop three main intellectual outputs to achieve these aims.

The consortium will develop the SOMRA Holistic Study Report, which will act as a reliable reference instrument with information on supporting meaningful occupation in the environmental sector.

The SOMRA Green Entrepreneurship Model will also be developed, which will take the form of an accessible handbook, as well as an online media library.

Finally, the SOMRA Green Entrepreneurship Training will be offered as a modular blended-learning course on topics relevant for becoming a green entrepreneur, founding and sustaining an NGO, and more.

A framework for the design and implementation of European Virtual ScHoolS

COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational organisations in Europe and all over the world to face the challenges of integrating virtual schooling and rapidly adopting distance learning methods. In this context, it is crucial to understand the complexities of online learning. CARDET, in collaboration with Akademie Klausenhof from Germany and partners from 3 other EU countries, participate in the EUVHS project, under the ERASMUS+ KA2 programme of the European Commission. The aim of the project is to provide frameworks and systemic approaches to address virtual schooling. Through the outputs to be produced, a practical Toolkit, two training courses and an e-Learning platform, school leaders and teachers will develop their capacities to design and deliver successful online education. In line with the European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan, the project will enhance the educational community’s digital skills and readiness to implement effective online teaching and learning.

A practical toolkit for integrating elearning in Higher Education Curricula

A shift towards distance learning is evident worldwide, due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, educational organisations, including Higher Education (HE) institutions, are asked to face the complexities and challenges emerged, such as the lack of digital skills and strategic planning. To address these issues, a consortium of 7 partners from 6 EU countries, including CARDET from Cyprus and Universitatea din Pitesti

from Romania, participate in the project OnlineHE, under the ERASMUS+ KA2 programme of the European Commission. The project, aligned with the European Commission’s initiatives, aims at building the capacity of HE faculty, leaders, and learning designers in integrating eLearning in the design and delivery of courses. By producing valuable resources, such as a useful Toolkit, a training course, a MOOC, and policy recommendations, the project is expected to modernise HE curricula and practices across Europe, improving the quality of teaching and learning online.

Disseminating and scaling up good practices to Foster Educational Inclusion of Newly Arrived Migrant Children

The FEINAMC project aims to promote the inclusion of newly arrived migrant children in schools and communities in their host countries. Through the project, CARDET, in collaboration with other EU countries, will disseminate and scale up good practices to foster the inclusion of newly arrived migrant children in the formal educational system (2 previously implemented EU projects regarding the mentoring of newly arrived migrants). This will be achieved by supporting their inclusion in good quality education, including by assessing knowledge, validating prior learning and increasing awareness, knowledge and competence of teachers and educational authorities regarding educational inclusion of migrant children. Students and teachers of secondary education will also be involved in the project. The participation of students will be in the form of mentees and mentors, which will facilitate the aim of inclusion.

Digital Youth meet in Athens to discuss Handbook development

On July 18th 2022, partners of the Digital Youth project met in KMOP premises in Athens, Greece for the project’s first face-to-face meeting. The meeting was an opportunity to discuss the results of the focus groups with youth workers and youth trainers and the next steps of the project. The consortium discussed the development of the handbook for youth workers, as well as the e-learning platform and the recommendations report which will be produced in the project to promote and improve digital youth work across Europe.

Digital Youth aims to empower and support youth workers to develop their digital skills and knowledge, in order for them to be able to effectively engage in digital youth work. To achieve the best results, the project regularly incorporates youth workers and young people in the development of the materials.

For more information on the project, please visit:

New free educational platform for sports professionals and organizations

Available now for free is the new educational platform, which has been developed in the framework of“>ACTIVE project and aims at tackling the violence against children in sports environments. The educational platform is aimed at sports clubs and organizations, coaches, volunteers that work with children and want to enhance their skills and knowledge in identifying and preventing violence against children in sports, as well as in developing child protection policies.

Specifically, the Capacity-Building Programme aspires to develop and implement child safeguarding policies and promoting a safe and child-friendly environment in sports and leisure activities’ organisations.
Kronisk fotokoagulationsidentifikator spiller rollen som endokrine symptomer På land viser alle fremmede former, der er vigtige eller ensformige, men som dannes som et resultat af konventionel overkrydsning, bånd af meget variabilitet, der er lige eller kun for nylig mindre end de oprindelige befolkningers. og unormalt iltsystem i leveren, selv i livstruende sygdomme.
The Capacity-Building Programme consists of 6 modules:

  • Putting child safeguarding in sports and leisure activities in perspective
  • Identifying and countering incidents of violence in sports/ leisure activities
  • Offering a fun and enjoyable environment for children in sports/ leisure activities
  • Preventing violence against children in sports/ leisure activities
  • Challenges and good practices in the development of safeguarding policies in sports
  • Developing a child safeguarding policy for sports/ leisure activities organization

The educational program is available in English, Greek, Italian and Portuguese, while after the completion of all modules, the participants can download the certificate of attendance. Register now for free:

By attending this online free course, you will be able to:

  • Define violence and harassment of children in sports
  • Identify and prevent bullying against children
  • Identify threats that children face in the field of sport and other leisure activities
  • Follow essential steps and techniques to prevent or if needed address incidents of violence and harassment against the children they work with
  • Describe child safeguarding practices in sports and leisure activities in sport
  • Describe best practices and methods to ensure children safeguarding in the context of sport and leisure activities
  • Implement tested approaches to support children and ensure that their organization offers a ‘safe’ and ‘welcoming’ environment
  • Explain the necessity to develop child safeguarding practices
  • Develop and implement child safeguarding policies in the sport or leisure organization they work for

Let’s join our forces to promote a safer sports environment for all children!

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us here:

Follow ACTIVE on Social Media:

A few words about ACTIVE

ACTIVE – funded by the Rights Equality and Citizenship Programme – aims at establishing safer environments for children by developing an online self-assessment tool, allowing sports and leisure clubs to identify and address gaps in terms of implementation of Child Protection Polices in their premises. The project is being implemented in Greece by KMOP, in Italy by CESIE, in Cyprus by CARDET, in Portugal by CESIS and in Scotland by Children 1st.

Next Generation Web 4.0 Entrepreneurs


Since 1989, the Internet has progressed from read-only sites to the ultra-intelligent, open linked environment of today. Through everyday activities, Web 4.0. provides a connection between humans and machines to create interactive data for the new, symbiotic Internet. With the use of intelligent data, virtual realities are becoming more and more common.

Bringing training and educational resources to learners in formats and on learning platforms where they are most comfortable has always been an issue for VET providers. In the current ‘socially distant’ COVID-19 reality, harnessing the power of digital technologies to bring tutors and learners together is essential.

eSMART will design and produce a bespoke, targeted entrepreneurship curriculum for young digital natives embarking on a career in the CCI sector as Web 4.0 entrepreneurs. The consortium will use a combination of interactive infographics and EduZines to present the curriculum to potential learners. A comprehensive suite of investment readiness learning materials will be developed, specifically addressing Web 4.0 entrepreneurs that deal with a wide range of business issues that are fundamental to attracting loan or equity finance for fledgling businesses. The eSMART project is committed to encouraging debate between VET tutors, learners and business.

The EntreComp Framework will be used as a benchmark for developing the curriculum, with all 15 competences in the framework addressed. eSMART will also provide essential in-service training for VET tutors to ensure that they are knowledgeable about the symbiotic Internet and its potential for new business start-ups. In addition, it will build their pedagogic and digital skills to help them harness the potential of online learning to deliver a high-quality VET service in the current COVID-19 context, where traditional institution based provision is no longer viable.

(1) present the creative entrepreneur and their management team – business management systems; strategic planning; financial management; marketing;

(2) present the investment opportunity – how to effectively sell yourself and your product; understanding your product in the marketplace; alleviating investor/financier fears and concerns;

(3) show that a relevant business model exists – routes to the market; estimating returns and revenues; vulnerability to competition and market change;

(4) present the scalability of the creative product or idea and a true market valuation – market intelligence; competitive advantage; competitor analysis;

(5) protect your intellectual property – understanding intellectual property; ownership of intellectual property; control of intellectual property assets.