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Month: May 2018

COOPin 1st Newsletter

Innovation is a key source of competitiveness and economic growth. This Erasmus+ funded project will develop a practical social innovation training kit to help VET trainers and mentors to experience the benefits of using social innovation in the workplace?

There has been considerable interest in the concept of social innovation in recent years. However, despite this interest, no common definition of social innovation has emerged. Whilst some definitions are very specific which then exclude many examples of social innovation, others are so broad that they include projects and organisations that are not particularly innovative, even if they are in some way social.

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Supporting Integration of Migrant Learners, Asylum Seekers and Refugees

 The integration of migrants is a complex and long-term undertaking. The project SIMILAR fosters integration of migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers through a multi-dimensional approach which includes multicultural approach and empowering measures in the areas of integration and social welfare. SIMILAR aims in raising and strengthening awareness of persons working closely with migrants in the field of social cohesion, intercultural dialogue and equality which are starting points for proper and successful integration migrants with society. The foreseen activities in the project will equip educational staff, social care staff, municipal police as well as volunteers working with migrants in necessary social, civic, intercultural competences which play a significant role in integration.

Financial Education for Future Entrepreuners

 FEFE is an entrepreneurship education project, focused on developing the financial skills and entrepreneurial mind-set of learners in VET and Higher Education contexts, through the creation of a highly innovative digital ‘serious game’ and other related educational materials, which will be freely accessible via mobile devices. Through FEFE, learners will develop key skills required to: make better financial decisions, be better able to understand and access alternative sources of finance, start their own enterprises. FEFE will have a positive impact on Europe’s economic growth and job creation. Beyond the game, FEFE involves 2 specific outputs: (a) Training curriculum for the development of financial literacy for future entrepreneurs (b) An educator’s guide to equip the future educators and trainers with the necessary practical guidance to successfully implement the training curriculum.

Empowering Literacy in Adolescents through Creative Engagement with Comics

 International studies have indicated that EU students do not perform well in science, math, and literacy skills. In order to address low achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods, CARDET in collaboration with 8 partners from 7 EU countries, participates in the COMMIX project. COMMIX argues that collaboration through the use of interactive comics in education can have a positive impact, and can substantially enhance the acquisition of skills in literacies, science, and other subjects, especially for students aged 11-16 and at-risk students, and empower them to become creators of their own stories and enhance their digital storytelling skills. A series of modules will be designed, intended for teachers from diverse levels and settings in order to support them in using comics in education. The primary initial target groups addressed by the COMMIX project are students 11-16 year old, teachers (pre-service and in-service), and teacher educators.

Welcome to Universities and Higher Education

 The chances and opportunities for refugees to get access to universities are in some cases very few in the European countries. The project WELCOME seeks to find ways for refugees to get access to universities and higher education more easily. The project aims to contribute in finding solutions to make higher education more accessible for all the people living in the EU, and collects experiences from countries which are more advanced in this topic. The project mainly focuses on the exchange of practice and good practices in the countries and regions of the partners of the consortium. The results of this project are important and will shed light upon the matter since they contribute to the future of a knowledge- based economy.

Tackling School Discipline Issues with Positive Behavior Support

 The number of students with diverse academic and behavioural needs included in general education classrooms has been increasing significantly over time. Preventing school failure and promoting a socially inclusive schoolwide framework is the focus of this project. TaSDi-PBS project purports in examining the feasibility of the Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) across five European countries (Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Spain and The Netherlands). The SWPBS originated in the United States of America as a preventative three-tiered approach to school violence and discipline more than three decades ago and has been implemented in more than 23,000 American schools and 20 countries worldwide. Partners trained school-based teams to deliver key elements of SWPBS to school staff and students. Key project activities include systematic professional development, direct behaviour instruction based on classroom-based assessments, and continuous progress monitoring of student outcomes and implementation procedures.

Evaluation environment for fostering intercultural mentoring tools and practices at school

 Tackling early school leaving (ESL) is a stepping stone towards improving the opportunities of young people and for supporting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. E-EVALINTO aims to reduce early school leaving through a prevention and early intervention strategy that aims to reduce the gap between migrant and non-migrant students by promoting intercultural mentoring programmes and activities which will be supported by an ICT environment. A set of tools and practices that provide a framework for evaluating intercultural issues within school contexts will also be developed. In addition to reducing ESL, the approach will help students become aware of interculturality as a value itself of the European identity, and improve both basic and transversal skills in migrant students.

Metacognitive Educational Training – Disabilities for Ability

 The MEET project is based on the concept of Disabilities for Ability, where experiences and good practices enhance skills and competences in contexts of disability and special educational needs to effectively include all children in pre-school education. This project aims to empower children’s learning development and to provide an innovative approach to learning, supporting teachers and families to enable young children of all abilities, aged 3-5 years, to consolidate their understanding of early mathematical concepts. The first important output of the project is the MEET Online Tool, which employs a metacognitive approach towards enhancing children’s logical and mathematical skills through playing. Secondly, the partnership produced E-guidelines for teachers and school staff regarding the ECEC in the 4 participating countries; also an online platform was developed where teachers or parents can share and have access to useful literature and resources.

An Innovative Self-Improvement Approach for the Professional Development of Early Educators

 The training procedures for in-service educators are not always accurate regarding their actual needs, or easy to be organized without taking them out of their classrooms. The project SIA-ProD aims to provide to practitioners with the methodology and the instruments for self-evaluation and self-improvement at a ‘low cost’ way. To achieve this goal, CARDET along with 6 institutions from 3 different countries will implement to the educational field an innovative technique named Discrete Choice Modelling (DCM). By implementing the DCM method in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), the project will develop a self-assessment tool and a self-improvement educational package to investigate and in turn to support the way early childhood educators promote physical activities in their classroom.