Empowering Literacy in Adolescents through Creative Engagement with Comics

International studies have indicated that EU students do not perform well in science, math, and literacy skills. In order to address low achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods, CARDET in collaboration with 8 partners from 7 EU countries, participates in the COMMIX project. COMMIX argues that collaboration through the use of interactive comics in education can have a positive impact, and can substantially enhance the acquisition of skills in literacies, science, and other subjects, especially for students aged 11-16 and at-risk students, and empower them to become creators of their own stories and enhance their digital storytelling skills. A series of modules will be designed, intended for teachers from diverse levels and settings in order to support them in using comics in education. The primary initial target groups addressed by the COMMIX project are students 11-16 year old, teachers (pre-service and in-service), and teacher educators.

http://www.commix-project.eu/en/Target Groups
Education Level