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Tackling School Discipline Issues with Positive Behavior Support

Tackling School Discipline Issues with Positive Behavior Support

 The number of students with diverse academic and behavioural needs included in general education classrooms has been increasing significantly over time. Preventing school failure and promoting a socially inclusive schoolwide framework is the focus of this project. TaSDi-PBS project purports in examining the feasibility of the Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) across five European countries (Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Spain and The Netherlands). The SWPBS originated in the United States of America as a preventative three-tiered approach to school violence and discipline more than three decades ago and has been implemented in more than 23,000 American schools and 20 countries worldwide. Partners trained school-based teams to deliver key elements of SWPBS to school staff and students. Key project activities include systematic professional development, direct behaviour instruction based on classroom-based assessments, and continuous progress monitoring of student outcomes and implementation procedures.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [2016-1- HR01-KA201- 022147]

Target Groups

Teachers, Students, School leaders, School staff

Education Level

Kindergarten, Primary education