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Author: Chara Pilidou

Collating digital narratives to raise awareness of the rich cultural heritage of African Nations

Stories shape the way we see the world, but we can never rely on a single story.

The African Diaspora has reached most corners of the world, but despite how far Africans have travelled, their histories and stories have not been assimilated into the narratives of European societies and are not included in European teachings. This is problematic, because the stories we are told shape the way we see the world, and no single story can capture the richness of a continent as varied and vast as Africa.

SingleStory aims to bring the gift of griots, West African historians or storytellers, into the 2020s to promote African stories through the medium of digital storytelling. This will provide local schools, adult education centres, and communities in our respective countries with a unique perspective that can only be fostered by learning the stories of Africa.


Together for Sustainable School

Together for Sustainable School aims to raise awareness amongyoung peopleand empower them to actively join the fight against climate change by integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into school curricula and local community projects.

To achieve it, the project will create a methodology on SDG for schools, develop teachers’ competences, and assess the new methodology. In addition, the project will work with young people directly, encouraging them to become ambassadors of sustainability. More specifically, an international youth camp will bring together young people from Lithuania, Germany, and Cyprus, who will in turn be called to organise local projects on climate in each country.

Empowering girls in STEAM through robotics and coding

The RoboGirls project focuses on building the capacity of teacher educators to organise and implement innovative hands-on STEAM activities and events (such as lesson plans, workshops, thematic school days) with the use of robotics and coding. The projects will aim to narrow the gender gap in digital technologies by empowering, encouraging and actively engaging girls to take on an active role in the STEAM fields in the digital age.

By applying robotics and coding in school curricula, the project will empower girls and boost their self-esteem and enhance their confidence in relation to the use and capabilities they think they have towards digital technologies, making them consider following a relevant career in the future and be active in the future of the digital sector.

To achieve that, RoboGirls consortium will develop innovative pedagogical material, dynamic resources, gamified tools, and organise and implement a series of blended learning trainings, events and implementations for teachers and students.

STEM education platform

The SAPPHIRE project aspires to develop a STEM education platform to provide open educational resources to young people, teachers, educators, and youth workers. It will accommodate teaching material such as lesson plans, digital toolkits, training courses and self-learning sections including learning and self-assessment tools.

Its main objective is to empower learner’s creativity and entrepreneurial skills by generating inspiring workspaces, increasing key competences, organising educational and social events, and providing personalised services to support their development. It will be used for knowledge building and sharing, aiming to help young people understand and study STEM related topics. The STEM education platform will create opportunities for European cross-border collaboration.

NEwlyARrived in a common home

NEAR is a two-year project funded by the European Commission under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), relied on a consortium made up of Iniziative e StudisullaMutietnicità (ISMU, Italy), Tamat NGO (ITALY), Cardet NGO (Cyprus), AidGlobal (Portugal), UCDC (Italy).

NEAR aims at fostering the process of integration of newly arrived migrants (adults and minors) throughout their settlement in the host countries.

This project is meant to raise awareness as well as enabling knowledge and cross-cultural transfers between migrants and local communities by using a bottom-up strategy, working on a local level (Lisbon, Nicosia, Perugia and Milan).

NEAR will do so by:

  • empowering community agents – members of diaspora associations – on how to inform newly arrived migrants >> training
  • supporting asylum seekers and IP holders in their participation in labor market >> orientation, training, agriculture labs
  • fostering integration of newly arrived minors in compulsory school age >> workshops, labs, urban tours, events
  • providing orientation for newly arrived University students in their access to academic path >> conventional and unconventional maps, handbook, networking
  • promoting exchanges and interactions between local communities and newly arrived migrants through a communication campaign (maps, treasure hunting), built together with NEAR beneficiaries
  • disseminating project’s outcomes and reaching a wider audience (video documentary, website, newsletter, social media, press release)


  •  working on a local level (Lisbon, Nicosia, Perugia and Milan)
  •  employing a botton-up approach
  •  peer-to peer strategy

Building Resilience to address Domestic Violence

Domestic violence devastates families and communities across Europe. Families are meant to be the bedrock of our society. They are a safe environment for children to grow and develop; surrounded by care and love. When the bedrock is fractured, society crumbles.

For this reason, the project EMPOWER – Building Resilience to address Domestic Violence aims to support these families, especially families at-risk of violence, to develop their resilience to prevent domestic violence. The project will adopt a whole-family approach to addressing this issue, by engaging parents as educators and providing a toolkit of learning materials to support all age groups – from young children to senior adults in the family – to build strong, healthy, and positive family relationships.

Glocal Move: local action, global impact

The Glocal Move: Local Action, Global Impact project is about promoting and implementing civic participation, in people under the age of 30. The aim of the project is to create a gamified digital platform and a guide to support the use of the platform.  Through the platform it is expected that young people will create their own challenges which will target the Sustainable Development Goals (e.g. participation in public or political matters or volunteering) on a local, national and/or European level. The intention of these challenges is to increase youth involvement and civic participation.  Therefore, increasing the number of young people and organizations involved in these challenges will automatically create a global impact.