The third newsletter of iGUIDE project maps the next steps of the project’s consortium that has been working for some months now non-stop and works remotely to prepare the Induction Training Programme. IN the context of this programme, the participants will be introduced to the 36 innovative resources, opening pathways to the target groups to become guides of their own career.
To τρίτο ενημερωτικό δελτίο του έργου iGUIDE κάνει αναφορά στα επόμενα βήματα της κοινοπραξίας του έργου που εργάζεται ασταμάτητα εδώ και κάποιους μήνες, εξ αποστάσεως, για την προετοιμασία του Εισαγωγικού Προγράμματος Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης. Στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος οι συμμετέχοντες θα εισαχθούν στους 36 καινοτόμους πόρους που ανοίγουν δρόμους προς τις ομάδες στόχους για να γίνουν οδηγοί της δικιάς τους καριέρας.
CARDET as part of its project “GoSport – Promoting good governance on sport through social responsibility” has compiled a report on CSR in Cyprus Sport.
The report, that was compiled following a Desk and Field Research conducted by the Centre in the field, presents the work and actions Cypriot sport organizations undertake to address social issues and challenges. It also analyses the views, knowledge and perceptions of representatives of sport organizations, both professional and amateur/non-profit, on the social role of sport, CSR and the CSR activities of their organizations.
GoSport is an Erasmus+ Sport project that is implemented in Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia and Cyprus by KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Project Coordinatior), Bulgarian Sports Development Association, CESIE, IDOP and CARDET.
Ο διαγωνισμός αφίσας έχει θέμα «Δράση για το κλίμα» και αφορά τον Στόχο 13 του Οργανισμού Ηνωμένων Εθνών για τη Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξης, και για τον οποίο μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε στην ιστοσελίδα του ΟΗΕ και στην ιστοσελίδα του έργου Walk the Global Walk. Τα έργα, σε μορφή σχεδίου ή/και σύντομων φράσεων, αφορούν την κλιματική αλλαγή, τις επιπτώσεις της για την τοπική κοινωνία αλλά και την ανθρωπότητα και θα πρέπει να αποτελούν κάλεσμα για δράση.
Η υποβολή των έργων θα γίνεται μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου στη διεύθυνση με τίτλο «Διαγωνισμός WalktheGlobalWalk» μέχρι τις 30 Οκτωβρίου στις 12:00 το μεσημέρι.
Όροι συμμετοχής:
Προσανατολισμός: Πεδίο
Όχι περισσότερες από 8 λέξεις
Διαπιστευτήρια σε όλες τις δημιουργούς (ονόματα τάξεις)
Διαπιστευτήρια στη Σχολική μονάδα που ανήκει η ομάδα
Τα επιλεγμένα έργα θα τύχουν ελαφριάς επεξεργασίας από γραφίστα
Τα έργα θα αξιολογηθούν από επιτροπή που θα απαρτίζεται από μέλη του Δήμου Στροβόλου και του CARDET. Τα βραβευθέντα έργα θα αναρτηθούν σε πινακίδες σε κύριες οδικές αρτηρίες της Κύπρου.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορείτε να βρείτε στη διεύθυνση:
CARDET participated in the two-day online multiagency workshop its project ACTIVE organized on the 14th and 15th of October for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practices on the prevention of violence against children in sports and leisure activities.
The workshop was attended by 25 representatives of sports, social and child protection organizations from Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Scotland and Portugal and served as an excellent opportunity for the discussion of challenges and effective approaches in the field.
The workshop mainly focused on the transfer of know-how from Scottish organizations and, during its workings representatives of Sportscotland, Rangers Football Club, Scottish Rugby Union, Scottish Curling, Scottish Swimming presented the policies and processes they have put into place to safeguard the rights and security of children in sport and leisure organizations. Moreover, the implementing team of ACTIVE informed participants about the findings of the project’s Needs Assessment Research and presented ACTIVE’s Online Self-Assessment Tool, which aims to help sports organizations assess their child protection policies, was introduced and discussed.
During the workshop, the need to enhance the skills of coaches in managing violence against children, to better evaluate child protection policies implemented by sports organizations and to create synergies between sports and government agencies were highlighted. All stakeholders agreed that sports organizations should create and promote a culture that respects diversity and promotes positive social messages. The necessity of raising awareness among parents, volunteers was also stressed as well as the need for the introduction of a Code of Conduct for all sports stakeholders which can contribute to the prevention of violence against children.
A few words about ACTIVE
ACTIVE – funded by the Rights Equality and Citizenship Programme – aims at establishing safer environments for children by developing an online self-assessment tool, allowing sports and leisure clubs to identify and address gaps in terms of implementation of Child Protection Policies in their premises. The project is being implemented in Greece by KMOP, in Italy by CESIE, in Cyprus by CARDET, in Portugal by CESIS and in Scotland by Children 1st.
HYPER, an Erasmus+ Project that CARDET is implementing in collaboration with organizations from Germany, Ireland, France, the UK and the Czech Republic, has released a complete collection of informative and interactive resources on Youth Radicalization. The material produced via the workings of the project seek to contribute to tackling the ongoing threat of extremism in Europe by developing an understanding of youth radicalization processes.
The resources are now available via the project’s website:
The project’s outputs focus on demonstrating how radicalization can happen on the most popular digital and social media platforms. Specifically, the project has produced a collection of videos demonstrating the radicalization process, accompanied by self-help resources to help young people better conceive the threats they may be facing and try to support themselves. Additionally, it designed and produced a peer-learning training programme for youth and youth workers covering key aspects and drivers of radicalization and an induction training programme to educate and empower youth workers and parents in the field.
“Building School-Wide Inclusive, Positive and Equitable Learning Environments Through A Systems-Change Approach” (SWPBS), an innovative policy experimentation project that seeks to promote inclusive education with the development of children’s positive behaviours, has launched its second round of implementation. Building on the success of the first year of the project that involved the application of the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system in 16 schools across Cyprus, the project moves to its second expanded phase that involves the participation of 32 schools.
SWPBS’ second round kicked-off in the beginning of September with visits of the coaches of the project to schools it collaborated with last year. The visits aimed to empower and reinforce teachers for the new year while they offered a great opportunity for the coaches to reaffirm the project’s mission to turn schools into inclusive and positive learning environments. The coaches also provided a follow-up training and a recap of the actions designed and implemented so far and introduced new school staff to the overall approach of the PBS system and the work performed by the school community.
In addition, the project’s consortium provided teachers with guidelines and training material to align the SWPBS activities with the COVID-19 prevention measures. These measures are specifically designed to support students and schools offering them assistance and reinforcement at individual and group level, catered to their behaviour in class.
In Cyprus, SWPBS is being implemented by the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute in collaboration with CARDET and INNOVADE LI. The project follows a systems-change approach, which is based on the collaboration of the entire school and relevant stakeholders to improve student behavioural and academic outcomes, the school climate and teacher work satisfaction.
The challenges young people face in their path towards employment were thoroughly examined in a forum CARDET co-organized, as part the SELF-E project, with the Cyprus Youth Council. The forum also served as an excellent opportunity for the project officers to present the outputs and achievements of SELF-E as well as demonstrate new approaches and methods through which they can support young people and help them nurture their career.
The event featured a round table discussion with 3 key-note speakers from different professional backgrounds: Andreas Kokkinos, journalist at the thema online news portal and founder of the Warriors basketball team, Anna Michael, career counsellor, and Maria Kannourou, high school teacher. In the discussion that ensued, participants expressed their views and experiences as to the existing opportunities and challenges that lie before young people and NEETs in Cyprus in their bid to enter the labour market.
The event also offered participants the opportunity to attend one of two parallel workshops; a workshop presenting the SELF-E tools for youth workers and a workshop by the YOUTHSHARE project with guiding tools to support youth employment.
The first newsletter of the In2steam project is out. Inspiring Next Generation of Girls through Inclusive STE(A)M Learning in Primary Education is a three- year Erasmus+ KA201 project targeting primary school students in order to enhance innovative and gender-inclusive educational approaches that integrates STE(A)M learning (applying art and design principles to science education) especially for female students, by reducing the gender gap in a scientific career. For that purpose, 18 female STEM professionals will support the Consortium in the implementation of the activities.
So far, partners have completed their desk and fieldwork research in the frame of the “IO1 – Report on the Value of STE(A)M in Girls’ Education” and now they are preparing for the “IO2 -Training Curriculum in STE(A)M learning and gender-sensitive practices” which will be structured in 6 specific online training modules for teachers and relative workshops.
See the newsletter for further information.
Το πρώτο ενημερωτικό δελτίο του έργου In2steam μόλις κυκλοφόρησε. Το έργο “Εμπνέοντας την επόμενη γενιά κοριτσιών μέσω της συμμετοχικής μάθησης STE(A)M στην πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση” είναι ένα τριετές έργο Erasmus+ KA201 που εμπλέκει μαθητές δημοτικού σχολείου και εκπαιδευτικούς προκειμένου να προσφέρει καινοτόμες εκπαιδευτικές προσεγγίσεις STE(A)M χωρίς διακρίσεις φύλου (συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των μαθημάτων τέχνης και σχεδιασμού).
Το έργο απευθύνεται κυρίως σε νεαρά κορίτσια στοχεύοντας να μειώσει το χάσμα των φύλων στην επιστημονική κατάρτιση STEAM. Για το σκοπό αυτό, 18 γυναίκες επαγγελματίες STEM θα υποστηρίξουν την Κοινοπραξία στην υλοποίηση των δραστηριοτήτων. Μέχρι στιγμής, οι συνεργάτες έχουν ολοκληρώσει τη σχετική έρευνα στο πλαίσιο του «IO1 – Έκθεση σχετικά με την αξία του STE(A)M στην εκπαίδευση των κοριτσιών» και τώρα προετοιμάζονται για το «Πρόγραμμα εκπαίδευσης IO2-Εκπαίδευση στο STE(A)M και πρακτικές που μειώνουν τις φυλετικές διακρίσεις» που θα δομηθεί σε 6 συγκεκριμένες ηλεκτρονικές ενότητες κατάρτισης για εκπαιδευτικούς. Δείτε το ενημερωτικό δελτίο για περισσότερες πληροφορίες.