CARDET Participated in the 2nd Cyprus STEAME Festival 2024

CARDET proudly participated in the 2nd Cyprus STEAME Festival, held on November 29-30, 2024, at Linopetra Lyceum in Limassol. The event, organized by the Cyprus Mathematical Society, the STEAME ACADEMY project, and the Thales Foundation, showcased innovative STEAME learning activities and workshops for students, teachers, and the general public.
During the festival, CARDET presented three key projects that aimed to engage the audience in STEAME education, with a focus on inclusion and sustainability:
To celebrate the successful conclusion of the STEAM4LIFE project, CARDET showcased its achievements in promoting gender equality in STEAM fields. Visitors explored practical tools such as the career choice simulator and the MOOC (massive open online course) platform, both designed to inspire women and advance their participation in STEAM careers.
Through a creative art installation activity, CARDET engaged participants in discussions about sustainability and ecology. Attendees shared their ideas using drawings and post-its, emphasizing the importance of integrating STEAM education with environmental awareness.
CARDET also highlighted the Coding4Kids platform, which introduces coding concepts through real-life scenarios. Educators explored the platform’s interactive lessons and activities, gaining valuable tools to incorporate into their teaching methods.
The festival was an excellent opportunity to connect with educators, students, and stakeholders, exchanging ideas and resources to foster a more inclusive and sustainable society.

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