CARDET Represents Cyprus at the EPALE Community Heroes Event in Bologna

On October 15, 2024, CARDET proudly represented Cyprus, particularly the Ministry of Education, Sport, and Youth, at the prestigious EPALE Community Heroes event in Bologna, Italy. This gathering brought together thought leaders and innovators to explore cutting-edge educational solutions aimed at enhancing learning experiences across Europe.
A standout moment of the event was the keynote address by writer and activist, Jillian C. York. In her thought-provoking talk, “Free Expression in An Increasingly Digitized World”, she examined who makes the rules in the digital world, how to challenge our ideas on how the internet works and transforms. Her keynote speech unpacked the many aspects surrounding freedom of expression, data use, and the role citizens need to play in these processes.
Additionally, CARDET’s representative engaged in an interactive group activity, collaborating with international peers to explore innovative teaching methodologies that can be immediately implemented in educational settings. These activities emphasized the vital roles of creativity, collaboration, and adaptability in the evolving educational landscape.
CARDET remains dedicated to driving initiatives that enhance educational innovation, foster creativity, and promote excellence in learning practices.
About EPALE:
EPALE is the official digital platform of the European Commission for Adult Education, providing a communication network between stakeholders in the field at both national and European levels to exchange news, ideas, and information.
According to the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, adult learning and education can help address pressing economic, social, and environmental challenges. As Europeans, we recognize that adult learning also contributes to improving social cohesion and promoting active citizenship. This awareness lies at the heart of the European strategies on adult learning and education (ALE), with EPALE playing a crucial role in promoting more and better learning opportunities for all adults.

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