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Author: Anna Christou

Innovation Ecosystems for Circular Economy Entrepreneurs

Global strategies to achieve a circular economy often overlook the contributions of smaller, locally-led enterprises and the need for market-based solutions specific to emerging economies. Most mainstream business models operate the “take, make and dispose” way of production and consumption and this is reflected in the vast majority of entrepreneurship or business development training resources. The ECO-CENT project will support the transformative potential of business models driven by social, economic and environmental sustainability objectives. It will be designed for entrepreneurs and business owners committed to adopting business models premised on up-cycling and re-cycling, resource efficiency, and ensuring valuable resources are not simply discarded but live on in innovative products and services.

The ECO-CENT project aims to respond to these needs of iVET and cVET providers and members of the business community by providing targeted training both to businesses on circular business models, and to VET trainers to support their continuous professional development in this domain. To bring innovation to the forefront of VET provision in each country, ECO-CENT partners will also form local synergies between VET professionals and business representatives to develop an innovation ecosystem to support both parties to contribute to the green transition of Europe.

Stop Lies About Climate Change

Fake News can have a devastating effect on issues where understanding observable and scientific facts is essential. As a result, opinion is divided on fundamental issues such as man-made global warming.

The project SLACC tackles climate fake news in the context of youth work. The overall objective of SLACC is to strengthen young people as potential climate ambassadors who support their parents’ and grandparents’ generation in debunking populist distortions about our climate.

The project focused on different target groups such as: Youth workers, Young people, Older generations and providers of training for young people.

A new tool for migrant orientation and exploration in Nicosia

From now on international protection holders, asylum seekers, newly arrived minors and their families, as well as international university students and refugees, will have a new orientation tool for their new city; the NEAR “Unconventional Maps”.

These “Unconventional Maps” have been developed as part of NEAR – NEwly ARrived in a common home, an innovative European project facilitating the integration of newly arrived migrants (adults and minors) during their settlement in the host countries. The maps have been implemented in the neighborhoods of four European cities: Lisbon (Bairro das Galinheiras), Nicosia, Milan (Central Station-Martesana canal) and Perugia.

Read more in the press release below.

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GOTHEN kick-off meeting in Italy

 On 7th and 8th of June, has been completed with success the kick of meeting of the project GOTHEN in Bari, Italy. Partners had the opportunity to get to know each other and set the baseline for professional and constructive cooperation to deliver high-quality services for the implemantion of the project. 

During the 2-day productive meeting, we discussed the details regarding the overall project management, financial management, implementation steps, dissemination activities, and procedures for the project’s quality assurance. Partners agreed on the priorities and responsibilities of each stakeholder, while they set the timeline for each intellectual output and intermediate tasks.

Following this fruitful meeting, partners returned to their countries safe and pleased, promising to do their best to prepare the following steps for GOTHEN, and promote it in their social circle.

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Our initiative roots from our direct participation and experience as volunteers and from the need analysis that we conduct in the three partner’s countries that is important to support the new organizations diving into the information, procedures about the solidarity corps activities. Talking from National Agencies, organizations, youth workers perspective rather than volunteers is probably not fulfilling the volunteer’s needs and also there is a lack of outreach and awareness of the European Solidarity Corps.

The main aim of GOTHEN is to empower & connect young people while driving innovation and reinforcing volunteering culture.

The objectives of GOTHEN are:

  • Give the volunteers the tools to reach useful information for them
  • Raise awareness about the volunteer’s culture among the local communities
  • Create a community around the volunteer once he/she is abroad
  • Help the Youth Workers with the recruitment of participant to their ESC events
  • Empower the volunteers

The three outputs of the projects are:

  • Volunteer talks videos
  • Solidarity Hub: live streaming with Esc volunteers
  • Go Locals! Training course for youth workers
  • Esc advisor- an online platform

Empowering YOUth taking the Lead towards active citizenship

Young people need flourishing civil society and civic space in which they can actively participate and fully utilize their political rights. However, the last few years have brought a persistent silencing of the voice of youth, limiting their civic space and participation in democratic life. Young people often have fewer opportunities to participate and are underrepresented in decision-making. This trend was strengthened due to the COVID-19 and the adopted measures leading to restricted freedoms and limited access to fundamental rights.

YOULead aims to provide youth with knowledge and skills allowing them to build their understanding of the social and political issues that affect us all and disadvantage some. Through acquired training, young people will develop capacity to become agents of change.

YOULead is anticipated to have the following outcomes:

1) Curriculum on Active Citizenship for Youth
2) Guide-Toolkit for Civic Engagement
3) eLearning Platform

Democratic Dialogue at School: An Online Game-Based Training Tool on Democratic Dialogue for Teachers

 Τhe importance of dialogue in tackling intolerance and discrimination at school to stimulate inclusive education all over Europe cannot be denied. Learn how our project DD@S – Democratic Dialogue at School will contribute to promoting a more inclusive education.

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Studying the impact of digital education and learning

 To study and assess the impact of digital education on children’s learning, our project DIGITEACH has launched a survey focusing on innovative tools that helped teachers and their students in their digital learning experience. Find out how you can help by downloading the project’s newsletter.

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DIGITEACH: Fostering digital and social inclusion in education

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that there is no digital inclusion without social inclusion, with specific social groups being affected the most by crisis. Our brand new project DIGITEACH will be working on promoting the delivery of inclusive education through digital tools. Check out the first newsletter of the project for more.

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