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Author: Anna Christou

EMPOWER : Social Enterprises’ Sustainability Tools

The Empower project is a two years collaborative Erasmus+ project, comprised of seven EU partners in which its implementation is expected to contribute in fostering sustainability and scalability of new and existing social enterprises and supporting young entrepreneurs through the development of new learning partnerships between the world of work and the world of youth provision.

A big focus of the training material will be on the needs and opportunities for young people and young entrepreneurs to tackle challenges and identify problems to take advantage of opportunities in emerging market communities. The project will offer the tools and training needed for young entrepreneurs to develop strategies for their social enterprises using modern and empirically validated tools and methods to ensure that the services/products meet the needs of local and regional markets.

Also, a simulation game will be developed to build the capacity of young entrepreneurs in integrating the appropriate tools into their processes through real-life scenarios. Moreover, the young people will be able to build knowledge and a critical understanding of social entrepreneurship.

Stars4SD – Supporting youth entrepreneurs in meeting Sustainable Development Goals through a peer certification system

The project Stars for Sustainable Development works towards equipping future business leaders using five (5) Sustainable Goals in practice;

1) Provide quality education

2) Gender equality

3) Decent work and economic growth

4) Reduced inequalities, and finally

5) Responsible consumption and production

Stars4SD aims to provide the necessary entrepreneurial skills and competences to young people interested in running a business; develop innovative methodologies to support young entrepreneurs to meet sustainability criteria in their businesses; provide information to policymakers in order to promote the adoption of sustainable approaches to youth entrepreneurship; and raise awareness of the importance of SDGs in business and the role of social entrepreneurship in achieving them.

Under the Stars4SD programme, 120 youth workers will be equipped with new methodologies to support youth entrepreneurs to enforce sustainable goals in their businesses, while 120 young entrepreneurs will be involved in the Stars4SD peer-learning network across the partner countries.

Examining Estonia’s approach on digital skills development

We are pleased that the first study visit of the AdultDigitalUp project took place with a focus on Estonia’s best practices and approaches on the development of the digital skills of adults.

The virtual study visit was organised and coordinated by CARDET, with the presence of representatives from the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth (MoECSY), the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DGReform), the Deputy Ministry of Research Innovation and Digital Policy, the Human Resource Development Authority (HRDA) and the University of Nicosia (UNIC).

Collecting best practices and approaches regarding the training of adults in digital skills is key to the implementation of the AdultDigitalUp project. Estonia was chosen as the subject of the first study visit of the project, as it is perceived as having a successful model and approach in the area of digital skills and development.

Participants in the study visit had the pleasure to hear from Dr Mart Laanpere, Professor of Mathematics & Computing Education, in the School of Digital Technologies in Tallinn University. During his presentation, Dr Laanpere introduced participants to the overall approach of Estonia in the area and the key policies and initiatives that it implements.

He analysed the factors that led to his organisation’s successful performance in the area of digital skills and the different projects ran in the country in regards to enhancing the digital skills of adults. Additionally, he highlighted the importance of implementing initiatives that directly support adult educators, and the importance of their involvement in the process.

Dr Laanpere concluded his presentation with important recommendations that Cyprus can adopt in the area for the improvement of digital skills of adults and low-skilled adults and building the capacity of adult educators to be in a position to support the overall efforts and objectives.

The suggestions and examples that Dr Laanpere presented will be included in the project’s collection of Best Practices, to support key stakeholders in building Cyprus’ capacity in the area.

This study visit will be followed by two others, which will be announced in the next months. You can follow the progress and next actions of the projects through its dedicated website here

The AdultDigitalUp project is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth, and is supported by the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) of the European Union (EU). The project aims to promote the digital literacy of adult educators and low-skilled adult

Working towards an inclusive Higher Education sector

 There is an imperative need to raise awareness on inclusive behavior and policies and provide specific guidelines on developing inclusive practices, starting from the education sector. In higher education (HE), inclusion is the continuing process of working on the improvement of education systems, in order to meet everyone’s needs, with a focus on those in marginalised groups.

This is the main aim of our InclusiveHE project, which focuses on developing practices that support the inclusion of diverse members with different abilities, ethnic, cultural and migration background in higher education institutions.

The project set out its life cycle in December 2020 with a strong consortium of partners: universities, research organizations and networks from Finland (Åbo Akademi University), Romania (University of Piteşti), Latvia (University of Latvia), Belgium (EUCEN) and Cyprus (CARDET & INNOVADE Ll LTD).

During these past months, the team has been working on a toolkit for administrators and policy-makers at higher education institutions, in order to support them in developing inclusive policies. A blended training on inclusive practices in HE for learning designers and academics and an e-learning platform and MOOC for self-directed learning, is also being finalized and will soon be made available to everyone for free.

If you are a higher education provider or member of staff, an administrator or a policymaker, you can get in touch with Christiana Karousiou ( and Michaela Protopapa (, and find out how you can benefit from this project and its resources.

Stay tuned on our social media pages – Facebook & Twitter

Series of structured actions for the promotion of digital skills

 CARDET conducted a series of meetings and briefings to highlight the actions and objectives of the AdultDigitalUp project, which aims to promote digital literacy among adult educators and low-skilled adults. In particular, representatives from CARDET met with representatives of the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy and participated in a briefing meeting at the University of Cyprus.

In the context of their meeting with the representatives of the Deputy Ministry, opportunities for cooperation between the Deputy Ministry and CARDET for the joint promotion of the objectives and actions of the project AdultDigitalUp were discussed. Furthermore, the Deputy Ministry presented a draft version of the online platform that will host different actions, activities, educational programmes and digital skills tools, adapted to the needs of the local community.

In addition to the important and constructive meeting of the team with the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, representatives of the project participated in a meeting of the project ‘Partnership for Digital Education Readinesss Collaboration for Effective Digital Education (D-COLLAB)’ at the University of Cyprus. During the meeting, they had the opportunity to present the activities of the AdultDigitalUp project and the opportunities arising from it, and discussed with the participants effective ways and good practices for introducing digital teaching in learning. Through their presence at the event, CARDET representatives received and recorded important information and feedback regarding the challenges identified in the field of digital learning, which will be extremely useful when developing the educational material and actions of the project.

The AdultDigitalUp project is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth, and is supported by the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) of the European Union (EU). The project aims to promote the digital literacy of adult educators and low-skilled adults

TRACEUS: Bringing traditional European cuisines to life

 A different kind of event, filled with dancing and good food, took place at MATERIA Group, for our project TRACEUS, which seeks to develop and curate a database of recipes, cuisines and traditions (storytelling/singing/dancing), associated with European cuisines, using mobile technology as a learning tool.

It has been a pleasure being hosted by MATERIA Group, and having the opportunity to engage and interact with the older residents at their facilities. The results of our project TRACEUS were presented among participants, receiving positive feedback and further interest in the work of the project and the refreshing concept of it.

We would like to thank the wonderful dancers who presented traditional dances and poetry to older residents, and Mrs. Niki Tiggi, one of the co-creators of our project, for the delicious traditional doughnuts.

TRACEUS is an Erasmus+ KA2 that will operate as a living laboratory of social and technological activities promoting knowledge on new technology skills through culinary traditions and adult-learning processes. The project will develop an array of activities and resources to empower older adults and migrants to use new technologies to become authors and moviemakers and share their experiences with their peers and society.

Photo from Charis Shiakallis2
Photo from Charis Shiakallis

Fundamentals for fostering Netiquette in the Digital Age

In line with European strategic priorities, the project will provide participating organisations with a set of tangible innovative and high-quality results to address the key role played by netiquette, the rules of conduct for respectful and appropriate communication on the internet, in adult learners’ daily lives, educational settings and the workplace. And it will also tackle common needs and challenging issues that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in the participating countries, which uncovered the centrality of adult education and lifelong learning to foster digital readiness.

The main results of the projects will be:

1. Competence framework on netiquette, to define the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are most relevant to the target groups in the participating countries. The framework will be validated by local expert groups;
2. MOOC and Didactic handbook aim at enhancing adult learners’ netiquette skills and competences, as well as supporting adult educators in their teaching on this subject area;
3. Learning hub and digital resources to host the aforementioned project results and a set of interactive quizzes and infographics to further support the learning process of adult learners.

Developing Digital Business attraction skills through continuing VET at work in the local public sector

The BAS project is a three years collaborative Erasmus+ project, comprised of seven EU partners in which its implementation is expected to contribute in developing and enhancing civil servants’ digital skills but also in improving business attraction and inward investment promotion by the local authorities/municipalities, at national and EU level. The project boundaries extend to a degree that allows the following:

Firstly, to equip managers and civil servants from Municipalities with digital competencies in the field of business attraction following the identification and analysis of the training needs of the target groups. Through this analysis, a deeper understanding of what the target groups are lacking both in terms of digital competencies and business attraction will be developed, as well as what expectations arise from the online training module and toolbox.

Secondly, to exchange and identify innovative experiences on business attraction strategies among municipalities in Europe, following the creation of a Business Attraction Toolbox. The toolbox will focus on how to organize and manage the Business Attraction capabilities and how to bring together different factors in attracting, welcoming and supporting investments. Last but not least, the project will develop an e-course on Digital Business Attraction. This e-course will consist of online training modules in aid of managers and civil servants, in strengthening their skills in business attraction and building digital strategies to improve the business attractiveness of the cities.

Bonding Project Leaflet

Τα άτομα μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας στην Ευρώπη τείνουν να αντιμετωπίζουν πολλαπλές προκλήσεις, όπως η μοναξιά και η απομόνωση οι οποίες εντάθηκαν λόγω της πανδημίας της COVID-19. Η αυξανόμενη μοναξιά και η απομόνωση πολλών ατόμων μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας επηρεάζει αρνητικά τη σωματική και ψυχική υγεία τους, επιδεινώνοντας έτσι την ευαλωτότητα και τον πιθανό κοινωνικό αποκλεισμό τους. Διαβάστε περισσότερα για το πως η δράση BONDING στοχεύει στο να αντιμετωπίσει τις προκλήσεις αυτές, διαβάζοντας το ενημερωτικό φυλλάδιο.

Download Leaflet

FMID 2nd partners meeting in Schwerin, Germany

 The partners of the FMID consortium, met on July 18th and 19th 2022 for the project’s 2nd partnership meeting. During the two-days meeting, partners had the opportunity to discuss key milestones and to address future project challenges.

More specifically, the partners focused on the implementation of the project’s results and set a timeline for the upcoming steps. In addition, partners had a first glimpse on the FMID platform which was presented and soon it will be launched.

The project will create a suite of video creation resources for young people and will support youth workers and educators in delivering the video creation training through a bespoke in-service training and a handbook. The project will also develop an e-learning portal.