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Sport GVP Kickoff Meeting in Cyprus Marks the Official Launch

Sport GVP Kickoff Meeting in Cyprus Marks the Official Launch

The Sport GVP project, aimed at combating gender-based violence in and through sports, commenced with its kickoff meeting in Cyprus on the 25th and 26th of April. Hosted by CARDET, the meeting gathered stakeholders and partners in an attempt to lay the groundwork for this vital initiative.

At the heart of the project lies a comprehensive program targeting multifaceted actions to prevent and address gender-based violence within the realm of sports. Discussions during the kickoff meeting largely revolved around delineating the project’s objectives, goals, and timelines for effective intervention. Participants also engaged in dialogues to align their visions and expectations, ensuring a unified approach towards the project’s success.

The Sport GVP project aims not only to generate knowledge and data on the prevalence and forms of gender-based violence in sports but also to pave the way for effective responses and actions. Emphasising the promotion of equality in sports, the project seeks to combat violence, racism, discrimination, and intolerance within sporting communities.

Following the kickoff meeting, stakeholders are confident that with collaboration and dedication, the Sport GVP project will make significant strides in eradicating gender-based violence in sports. 
For more information about this initiative, please visit the official website.

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Target Groups

Academics, Researchers, Sports Professionals

Education Level

K12, Higher education, Professional education