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Author: Stavri

BRicking Adult’s Future Via Empowerment

 Project BRAVE aims to improve the personal motivation and professional skills of unemployed adults through innovative educational methodologies. During the BRAVE life-cycle, adult participants will be supported to prototype their business models and to itinerate them. They will become aware of their powers for the social good and for their personal growth and positioning in society, through an innovative journey from self-development to creative thinking and exploration of own possibilities & potentials. Within the framework of this Erasmus+ funded project, CARDET collaborates with 7 partners, all expert organizations in the field of training, employability and entrepreneurship, from 6 EU countries. Expected outputs include an innovative training programme, a crowd sourcing platform to gain insights on business models, and a MOOC 4.0 for increasing unemployed adults’ skills and competencies.

Adult Migrant Integration Experts

 Project ADMIRE aims to develop a Migrant Integration Expert Curriculum for Adult educators, migrant support workers and members of migrant communities in order to promote empowerment, participation and active citizenship of all migrants. Migrant populations are a growing reality in European society today. The ageing of the European population means that immigration flows into Europe will continue for many years to come, as a positive response to the ageing population of Europe. Successful integration of these migrant communities into civic and political life is essential if a cohesive and inclusive society in Europe is to be achieved. The Migrant Integration Expert Curriculum will address gaps such as the lack of knowledge and participation on the civic and political life of the new countries and network gap between migrant organisations and local communities. This will be accompanied by an Induction Training Programme for adult educators, a Digital Toolbox with useful resources for migrants’ civic, political and social engagement and an e-Observatory of civil and political systems in the six participating countries.

Raising awareness of how radicalization happens for greater individual safety and country security


Radicalization of vulnerable young people throughout Europe is among the latest challenges and one of the most damaging to the entire European project. Digital and social media are platforms where this threat flourishes and it is essential that the battle to suppress it is targeted at these environments. HEADS-UP is a 2-year project which aims to build the skills of front line educators and parents through in-service training and a series of simulated videos that explicitly demonstrate the on-line threats people in vulnerable positions face. This, together with a practical, user friendly set of simulation resources will enable educators to support young people more effectively by teaching them how to identify and deal with potential radicalization and grooming threats.

Strengthen Community Based Care to minimize health inequalities and improve the integration of vulnerable migrants and refugees into local communities

 Over the past few years, refugees and vulnerable migrants have been reaching the borders of the European Union, creating a new reality for the social and health systems of EU countries. In many cases they do not receive appropriate health and social care that best meets their needs. The objective of Mig-HealthCare is to improve access to health care services for vulnerable migrants and refugees, support their inclusion and participation in European communities and reduce health inequalities. Mig-HealthCare will produce effective community-based care models which will be focused on health promotion and prevention. These will be pilot tested in different contexts and countries across Europe. The project will also develop guidelines and tools to reorient health care services to a community level.

Youth Empowerment and Innovation

YEIP was created in response to a current social need to have more effective youth policies that can enhance young people’s social inclusion and minimize the risk of radicalization with greater ‘buy-in’ from youth themselves. To this end, YEIP will construct and test an innovative policy intervention that will generate a set of actions that will help address this need at the local, national and European levels. This measure is founded upon the ‘Good Lives Model’ which assumes that we are all goal-influenced and all seek certain ‘goods’ in our lives, not ‘material’ but qualitative, all likely to increase and improve our psychological wellbeing. YEIP adopts a youth-led research which repositions young people as important decision-makers of their own lives, rather than simply being passive subjects whose lives are guided by decisions made by adult ‘others’.

Catalogue of Free Digital Learning Initiatives for Migrant and Refugee Inclusion

 The Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) of the European Commission commissioned the “Study on MOOCs and free digital learning for inclusion of migrants and refugees.” In this study a catalogue of free digital learning initiatives targeted to develop the skills needed by migrants and refugees in EU countries was produced. A follow up study was recently launched with the aim of updating the catalogue and make it more comprehensive. This new phase of the study was commissioned to a team of researchers led by Dr. Charalambos Vrasidas. The online catalog will be updated periodically as new initiatives become available. Results from the study will support the Directorate General of Education and Culture of the European Commission with evidence for the development of relevant policies in the field of open and inclusive education.