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Adult Migrant Integration Experts

Adult Migrant Integration Experts

 Project ADMIRE aims to develop a Migrant Integration Expert Curriculum for Adult educators, migrant support workers and members of migrant communities in order to promote empowerment, participation and active citizenship of all migrants. Migrant populations are a growing reality in European society today. The ageing of the European population means that immigration flows into Europe will continue for many years to come, as a positive response to the ageing population of Europe. Successful integration of these migrant communities into civic and political life is essential if a cohesive and inclusive society in Europe is to be achieved. The Migrant Integration Expert Curriculum will address gaps such as the lack of knowledge and participation on the civic and political life of the new countries and network gap between migrant organisations and local communities. This will be accompanied by an Induction Training Programme for adult educators, a Digital Toolbox with useful resources for migrants’ civic, political and social engagement and an e-Observatory of civil and political systems in the six participating countries.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project number: 2017-1-EL01-KA204-036117]

Target Groups

Adults, Migrants, Trainers, Adult educators, Public bodies, General public

Education Level

Adult education