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Author: Stavri

SOFIE- Support for empowerment and integration of refugee families

Quick integration is very important for refugees. Learning the local language is the most important skill that will help their integration. Refugee mothers of small children face more obstacles in learning the language because they have to take care of the children and cannot attend classes. SOFIE aims to support the social inclusion of refugee families by developing a language training curriculum for mother and child learning. This programme will be based on topics that can be useful for the daily life of refugees. At the same time, the project will also create an e-training for persons who volunteer to support refugees. The activities planned, can ease the transition and integration process of refugee families by giving them the opportunity to acquire both language skills and social information on their host country. It can also enhancing the knowledge and skills of volunteers giving them the opportunity to better support refugees.

Career Coaches for Low Qualified Adults

Low-skilled adults are a source that can be empowered to enter jobs with higher demands. However, they not only face a higher risk of unemployment, but also a social marginalisation or social exclusion due to deteriorating work and life conditions. QUALIFY aims to revolutionise professional guidance and explore coaching as a tool to support low-skilled unemployed adults. This project will implement a specialised training for guidance practitioners (private/public) to become Career Coaches and provide them with useful complementary ICT tools to support their daily practice, in empowering and up-skilling low-skilled unemployed adults. Guidance practitioners will be trained though a specially tailored coaching programme, while unemployed low skilled adults will be approached in order to foster a positive mind-set and enhance their soft-skills competences which are vital for their employability potential.

Digital strategies of Enhancement of the basic skills among adults as a ChancE to fight agaiNst functional illiteracy

Project DECENT aims to increase the effectiveness of the fight against the functional illiteracy among low qualified adults who are at risk of social exclusion in Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain and Italy. Tools are provided through the project, for institutions which support and take care for people with functional illiteracy, such as: adult education centers, schools for adults, third age universities, associations as well as adult educators. The project has a course on “Decent life without illiteracy” and an eTool for fighting functional illiteracy, with an easy to use knowledge-sharing base, with possibility to interlink pages and topics, include external resources, allow comments, ratings and content contribution.

Combating HOMophoBic And Transphobic bullying in schools

The objective of HOMBAT is to contribute to the prevention & combating of homophobia and transphobia (HT) in Greece (GR), Cyprus(CY) and Lithuania (LT). The project aims to: (1) Promote and strengthen the prevention and tackling of HT bullying in schools; (2) Build the capacities of teachers and school advisors on preventing and addressing HT bullying; (3) Enhance multi-actor cooperation and exchange on combating HT bullying in schools; and (4) Raise awareness about HT bullying in the educational environment and support prevention through counter narratives development and promotion.

Supporting Migrant Inclusion in Lifelong Learning and Education

 The SMILE project aims to build the capacity of adult educators to improve and increase the knowledge, skills and competences of both teachers and migrants in promoting migrant inclusion in adult education. SMILE’s main objective is to support teachers, migrant communities, learning support staff and adult education institutes in promoting migrant inclusion in adult education. The project will develop training and educational resources that will be used to train migrant educators and teachers to work in cooperation and promote the inclusion of migrants in educational systems.


 The name of Shanarani has its origin from the indigenous people Purepecha in Mexico. It means “walker” to indicate the union of the “feminine” and the “masculine”. Shanarani aims to build attractive methods of film/acting and music to raise awareness of the importance of gender equal opportunities for all and reducing gender related stereotyping. Through exchange of good practices and a sharing of lessons learned in transnational cooperation, Shanarani aims to support youth workers adapting and promoting good practices in their work on gender issues and avoidance of stereotyping, enhance the participation of young people in developing innovative and motivational methodologies to overcome stereotypes on gender issues, and involve young people and support youth workers through online tools such as digital handbooks and an online platform developed during the project.

Better Work in Old Age: Supporting older workers and organizational environment in coping with age transitions and work requirements

The BeOLD project main focus is to improve social inclusion of older workers, by using innovative training tools. The reason of focusing on offering education programs for older workers is that they lack learning opportunities, evidence suggesting that employers tend to offer trainings to younger employees, as they perceive the older ones less motivated, less productive, without resources to use in work process and without future career goals ahead. This is a tendency that has its causes in ageism, seen as a societal and also individual problem that must be tackled. The management and older workers often belong to different generations, and this barrier has to be overcome through the educational programs proposed in this project, with modules that address intergenerational learning and mentoring. The project intends to enhance social inclusion of older workers by elaborating and delivering innovative educational programs.

Bridging languages and memories to foster multiple identities: “Never leave your backpack behind!”

BACKPACK ID is an innovative intervention for promoting the inclusion of refugee children at school in 4 European countries (Greece and Italy, Germany and Sweden), which are met with acute and very diverse challenges by the ongoing refugee crisis. Informed by these differences, the present approach on social inclusion advances a common account of social inclusion challenges; it sees the social inclusion of refugee children as a function of addressing the needs and perspectives of those children and their families, and local communities and stakeholders, while affirming common European values. BACKPACK ID aims at promoting the inclusion of refugee children and adolescents (aged 10-15) at school-wide level, while fostering harmonious inter-group relations in local communities. It also aims at empowering all students, both newcomers and majority-group members, and places emphasis on students’ own multiple group memberships and multiple skills and assets.

PROMOVET: Improving VET training for young low-skilled learners

 According to recent youth studies, if VET training for this group of people wants to be successful and really enter the communication ways and processes of young people, it has to make full use of the digital instruments available and used by the target group and this is a problem of VET training all over Europe. In many cases VET learning processes are running in parallel to core communication processes of the target group and this leads to fatal consequences. However, this is not a matter of technical infrastructure which is of course available and there for use; it is a matter of competences of VET trainers to make full use of these instruments, embed them in VET didactics and training plans. It is about bringing the “e” into learning and this is the main objective of the “From e-learning to “e” in learning: Quality improvement, professionalization and modernisation of VET training for young low skilled learners through modern ICT use” (PROMOVET) project.