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PROMOVET: Improving VET training for young low-skilled learners

PROMOVET: Improving VET training for young low-skilled learners

 According to recent youth studies, if VET training for this group of people wants to be successful and really enter the communication ways and processes of young people, it has to make full use of the digital instruments available and used by the target group and this is a problem of VET training all over Europe. In many cases VET learning processes are running in parallel to core communication processes of the target group and this leads to fatal consequences. However, this is not a matter of technical infrastructure which is of course available and there for use; it is a matter of competences of VET trainers to make full use of these instruments, embed them in VET didactics and training plans. It is about bringing the “e” into learning and this is the main objective of the “From e-learning to “e” in learning: Quality improvement, professionalization and modernisation of VET training for young low skilled learners through modern ICT use” (PROMOVET) project.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.[2017-1-AT01-KA202-035009]

Target Groups

Teachers, Students, School leaders, School staff, Academics, Youth, VET professionals, Adult educators

Education Level

Higher education, VET, Professional education