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Combating HOMophoBic And Transphobic bullying in schools

Combating HOMophoBic And Transphobic bullying in schools

The objective of HOMBAT is to contribute to the prevention & combating of homophobia and transphobia (HT) in Greece (GR), Cyprus(CY) and Lithuania (LT). The project aims to: (1) Promote and strengthen the prevention and tackling of HT bullying in schools; (2) Build the capacities of teachers and school advisors on preventing and addressing HT bullying; (3) Enhance multi-actor cooperation and exchange on combating HT bullying in schools; and (4) Raise awareness about HT bullying in the educational environment and support prevention through counter narratives development and promotion.

The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.[REC – HOMBAT – 764746]

Target Groups

Teachers, School leaders, School staff

Education Level

Primary education, Secondary, Teacher education, Adult education, Professional education