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Author: Super User

Girls Into Global STEM

The issue of gender bias in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects and careers is a transnational problem recognised by business leaders, higher education and by the European Commission. The issue originates in schools when many girls make critical subject choices that will effectively lock them out from STEM in higher education and employment. The “Girls Into Global STEM” (GIGS) project aims to increase the employment potential of all young Europeans, but especially girls, by improving their interest and engagement in STEM subjects through linking these to a wider awareness of global issues. The project will facilitate much of this work through the development of digital skills and especially through the collaborative authoring of eBooks.

Development of CBRN training programme for police officers

Terrorist activities involving the use of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) materials constitute a new threat and the risk of using them as a tool has evoked an urgent need for undertaking numerous countermeasures. Police officers from local patrol units are those responders who arrive to the action scene first. While police provides training for conducting operations in CBRN environment to special anti-terrorism units, those units arrive at the scene of action later. The general aim of CBRN-POL project is to create a modern, multidisciplinary CBRN training curriculum and educational materials for police officers. The scope of the educational programme shall meet the demand for safe, responsible and effective behaviour of police officers on scene of intentionally induced incident involving CBRN materials. This project will increase the capacity of police officers for detection, management of crisis and mitigation of CBRN risks not only in the partner countries but also in the other EU countries.

Modernizing and Enhancing Indian eLearning Educational Strategies

Project MIELES aims to support a network of Indian HEI to develop and implement institutional strategies for elearning. Many development cooperation interventions focused directly on ICT infrastructure (Digital India, for example) or on the provision of online course content. Few projects have addressed the need to support HEI to utilise ICT infrastructure and online course content, and to enable leadership and staff to do so, in a cross-institutional way. An international consortium of partners will work with Indian partners to help them develop strategies for elearning. MIELES is also designed to provide a collaborative platform to address a relevant issue for the development, reform, democratization and modernization of the higher education system in India and to reinforce Indian-EU higher education collaboration.

An innovative toolkit for inclusive decision making policies

Inclusion, integration and addressing the needs of marginalised groups, are key priorities for many European countries. CARDET, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture from Cyprus and partners from 5 EU countries participate in the project iDecide, under the ERASMUS+ KA3 Support for Policy Reform program of the European Commission. The project aims to develop an innovative toolkit, a mobile app, and an induction course to support evidence-based policy making that can lead to the reduction of disparities in learning outcomes and marginalization, by supporting school leaders, school staff, and policymakers to engage in shared and inclusive decision making. By implementing the toolkit and collecting rich data, partners will better understand the complexities of how decisions at school level influence marginalised groups. The project will also develop concrete recommendations for policy and practice on how to engage in shared decision making, giving voice to all stakeholders.

iLearn Greek

Teaching the local language of the host country to migrants, is a key priority for many EU countries. KES College in collaboration with CARDET, the Municipalities of Agios Athanasios, Deryneia, Pafos and Agios Dometios and INNOVADE offer FREE Greek Language courses for Third Country Nationals. The Greek Language courses are provided in 4 different levels, for persons with no knowledge of Greek up to fluent Greek speakers. Each language level course has a duration of 75 hours and is offered on different time schedules, based on the availability of the participants.

Training staff in the use of the Arts for the Benefit of patients with LOng-term conditions

TABLO is a European project for creating a vocational training course that integrates arts therapy into the daily routines of those working with people with long-term conditions. TABLO brings together individuals and organisations from different EU countries to develop an e-learning training package. The wide range of specialization areas ensures that the package is applicable to people with a variety of conditions and across many different cultural settings. All the results of the project aim at promoting therapeutic environments through the use of the arts and a holistic approach to wellbeing.

Health Communication Training for Health Professionals

Patient-doctor communication is an integral part of clinical practice, as it comprises the building block upon which the physician’s relationship with the patient is based on (Nelson, 2008). In fact, the way in which a doctor communicates information to a patient is equally important as the actual information being communicated. Nonetheless, it appears that vocational training opportunities on health communication are limited. Communication skills often remain poorly developed among health professionals. HCOM aims to bridge the gaps identified in the provision and training in communication skills for health care professionals across Europe. Its main objective is to map the shortage of relevant training, explore the needs and perceptions of health professionals concerning communication and develop a training programme on health communication. The long term goal of HCOM is to ultimately improve the patient-doctor relationship and health outcomes among patients across the EU.

Generativity: Manage it! Project National Multiplier Event

“Generativity: Manage it!” project is towards its end. Intellectual Outputs are completed and ready for partners to spread and disseminate them accordingly. CARDET made a productive start organizing a national multiplier event, for people interested in taking advantage of European funding and get involved in European projects.

Highlight of the event was the platform, which consists the first intellectual output of the project and contains all the material that was produced during the project. All information, including training modules (IO2) and online tutorials (IO3), was delivered, explained and promoted directly from the platform.

During the event that took place at the Classic hotel in Nicosia, participants had the chance to learn how to search for opportunities of funding to bring their ideas to life and turn their project into a sustainable procedure. Also, how to increase a project’s productivity, choosing the right partners, to consider every aspect that affects the process of a project and having an effective management of their project through Project Cycle Management. They also placed their questions, opinions and ideas, in a very interactive and friendly atmosphere.

Kick off meeting of the DECENT project in Romania

The main goal of the DECENT project is to increase the effectiveness of the fight against the functional illiteracy among low qualified adults who are at risk of social exclusion in Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain and Italy

The aim will be achieved through:

  • development of course “Decent life without illiteracy”
  • development of eTool for fighting with functional illiteracy

Partners discussed these objectives, expectations and deliverables of the project. In particular, partners reviewed the plan for developing the content of the course, as well as the activity for developing the content for the eTool.

We are looking forward to a very successful project.

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