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Author: Super User

A Toolkit for Developing, Implementing and Monitoring Adult Education Strategies

The DIMA project aims to develop a practical toolkit for developing and monitoring strategies on Adult Education. The project objectives are fully aligned with the EU priorities and are the following: (1) Designing and implementing effective strategies for enhancing basic skills for specific adult target groups, increasing incentives for adult training. (2) Stimulating the development and use of innovative approaches and tools to assess and increase the efficiency of public expenditure and the investment in education, training and youth, including through new funding models such as public-private partnerships, cost-sharing, etc. (3) Evaluating the effectiveness of adult education policies at national, regional and local levels level.

Enhancing Quality Assurance Management in Morocco

The project EQuAM-M is an Erasmus+ Capacity buidling in Higher education project led by the University of Barcelona. The focus of the project is to enhance quality assurance managemenet of higher education institutions in Morocco. Partners will collaborate to conduct needs assessments, reviews of current state of affairs, best practices, and develop usefull recources for higher education quality assurnace. Emphasis will be placed on local needs and in aligning and integrating external quality assessment and international quality assessment to meet national needs and international expectations.

EnhanCing the ParticipatiOn and Learning Performance of Migrant and RefUgee Children in PRimary School Education

The project aims to enhance the participation and learning performance of newly arrived migrant and refugee children in primary education. The activities designed address the priority of social inclusion, fostering the development of social, intercultural competences, combating discrimination, segregation, racism, bullying and violence, and enhancing the access, participation and learning performance of disadvantaged learners, reducing disparities in learning outcomes.

New pathways of youth to labour market through lifestyle self – employment

SELF-E aims to promote quality youth work in Europe in order to foster the inclusion and employability of young people with fewer opportunities. The project aims to decrease unemployment rate among young people and increase their participation in the labour market, by developing an innovative non-formal training course on lifestyle self-employment (SELF-E). The project selected the Life-Style Entrepreneurship idea to reduce disparities in learning and engagement of young people with fewer opportunities in order to promote an alternative pathway to their self-employment.

Mediterranean Inclusive Schools

The project MEDIS aims to address the integration of migrant children and their inclusion in schools. The main goal of the project is to strengthen and consolidate social cohesion, intercultural education and local language in a multilingual framework of newly arrived migrants at primary and secondary schools. This will be achieved through the Mediterranean Inclusive Schools Programme based on the LIC Plan (Llengua, Immigració i Cohesio social – Language, Immigration and Social Cohesion), an effective social inclusion action plan already developed and validated in Catalonia, Spain. This programme will be based not only on language education but also on socio-cultural education to bridge cultural gaps between migrants and the host society and to teach all stakeholders how to live in a diverse society.

Fostering resource efficiency and climate change resilience through community based Air Quality Internet of Things

The AIRTHINGS Project is co-funded by the Transnational Cooperation Programme “Interreg V-B Balkan-Med 2014-2020” and seeks to foster sustainable development and mitigate climate change in the region through joint cooperation measures and transfer of experience between the six project partners. The main objective of the project is to put forward innovative and cost effective measures that national and regional authorities can take to ensure better air quality in urban areas as well as raise public awareness, so such policies and approaches are adopted.

5 Balkan countries and 6 institutions are joining efforts for better air quality


The project partners will combine state of the art technologies and know-how into synergic unity that will result in sustainable development and urban resilience. Information availability and understanding of the air quality issue is essential part of tackling it with efficiency. Under the AIRTHINGS project, important technologies will be used:

  • IoT Sensors providing real time data and forming a network of connected cities jointly monitoring air quality;
  • Cloud based Open Data Platform for sharing online information obtained from the sensors;
  • 61 chimney filters for biggest domestic heating emitters
  • 3D MEMO, 3D MARS-aero and 3D MIMO air quality assessments models
  • Smart Application with push notifications that will raise public awareness rising and engage citizens towards air pollution reduction and sustainable development behavior

CARDET is responsible for the supply and installation of IoT sensors that will collect data and provide detailed observation of pollution levels within the city of Nicosia. Gaining insight into the local air quality and having clear understanding of the parameters affecting the pollution levels, will enable the team to monitor the pollutants, introduce measures and urge public authorities to adopt new policies. CARDET will also develop a user friendly smart application that will provide push-notifications and visualize the information collected by the sensors from all the participating cities. CARDET will organize a Thematic Workshop on Air Quality and the Air It Nicosia Marathon as a mean of disseminating the Project and its objectives aiming at massive public engagement and promoting a more sustainable way of living.

Supporting un-Accompanied children with Family-based care and Enhanced protection

The numbers of unaccompanied children arriving in the UK, Cyprus, Denmark and Greece have risen significantly in the last few years. Special attention is now given to the processes of support provided to unaccompanied children. Project SAFE aims to build knowledge and capacity of professionals and foster carers, kinship and Dublin family caretakers to enhance family-based care to promote welfare and ensure protection of unaccompanied children in the UK, Cyprus, Denmark and Greece. The project will develop e-modules, learning and training materials and standard operating procedures in such a way, so that they are easily adaptable and transferable to other regions and Member States, as well as widely available. The project will contribute to the transfer of know-how and good practices between EU Member States on the implementation of minimum family-based/foster care standards.

Access to services for Migrants with Disabilities

Integration and the proper assessment and support of an important minority such migrants and refugees with disabilities is a key concern for many EU countries. Project AMiD aims to outline and develop a Needs Assessment tool (NAT) to empower NGOs and Local Authorities to assess and support with adequate responses migrants and refugees with disabilities in the EU, improving cooperation among LAs and NGOs. In addition, AMiD will create a Community-Advisory Board (CAB) which aims to support the modelling and valorisation of project results both within and beyond the lifetime of the project. By developing and implementing the NAT and creating the CAB, the partners will be able to coordinate future common actions together with EU Agencies, inspiring a common European Union approach and strengthening important aspects of the Common European Asylum System.