After two years of committed work, the Euroinvestment project has successfully completed all its activities, and the after-lifecycle plan has been set. During this long journey of experiences, lessons and challenges, the consortium has developed educational materials to foster low qualified adults’ knowledge and competences about financial literacy.
We are proud to release the Euroinvestment Game in five languages (English, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek and Catalan), as a fun, interactive and didactic way to enhance adults’ financial literacy skills.
For more exciting news, check out our Newsletter below.
Game of Phones project has recently developed the online learning portal, which is a one-stop-shop providing instant access to the full suite of webquest resources developed. The E-Learning framework follows a modular structure and allows for the flexibility of combining the available modules as well as the cost-efficient creation of new ones, should the need for a special purpose build extension arises.
For further information and access to this tailored in-service training programme for adult educators via the Game of Phones project visit the elearning portal.
CARDET proudly announces that BACKPACK ID, a 3- year project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission was successfully completed in December 2020. BACKPACK ID, an innovative intervention aimed in promoting the inclusion of refugee children which are met with acute and very diverse challenges by the ongoing refugee crisis. Using a bottom-up participatory method, the BACKPACK ID addressed the importance of the students’ multiple identities and focused on refugees’ children social inclusion and interpersonal and intergroup understanding in the school environment.
The material produced in this project are an outcome of students and teachers work in the partner countries (Greece, Italy, Germany and Sweden). CARDET contributed to the work of this project at all times by providing a solid support with the development of the online platform that hosts the material and making the online learning environment as interactive and user-friendly as possible.
Being involved in the creation of the material, the students had the chance to present elements of their own story (personal, family, or community), of which they feel proud and think and reflect on the power, as well as the fluidity, they can use to describe themselves.
Visit to explore the stories (e-book) and videos produced by the students. Also, if you are a teacher and wondering how you can use these material in your class, the Anthology and Teachers’ kit, produced by the teachers and researches of the BACKPACK ID team, can be also found in the platform and support you during the implementations.
Studies estimate that by 2060 at least one in three Europeans will be over 65. The European Commission argues that digital technology can help older people to stay healthy, independent and active atwork or in their community for longer and it helps to improve our quality of life. Since the Digital Single Market strategy has been adopted, several studies have identified the lack of digital skillsamong the elderly.
Therefore, there is a strong need to educate EU citizens and the elderly on how to access and engage in online activities by experiencing high level of consumer and personaldata protection. Specifically, the elderly generally lacks awareness of current security threats, and remain under-educated in terms of applying appropriate controlsand safeguards to their computers and networking devices.
The primary target group of e-Protect project which is elderly people (people aged 65+) will be empowered and develop their self-confidence when using the internet and thus supportthe improved integration in the labour market and society.
Our project SWPBS – Building School-Wide Inclusive, Positive and Equitable Learning Environments Through A Systems-Change Approach – was presented at the online conference, ‘Implementing a Positive Behaviour Support System in Europe and Lithuania: Good practice’. The conference took place on December 9th 2020 and was a great opportunity for professionals from the field of education across Europe to exchange ideas and share their knowledge and experience on the implementation of the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) system in schools.
Eliza Theofanous, who represented CARDET at the conference, explained the Experimental Design of the SWPBS project and provided a detailed description of its implementation. Mrs Theofanous presented indicative work of schools that currently participate in the project, giving an insight into the project to more than 250 teachers and stakeholders, who took part in the conference. Participants were also presented the material CARDET has created to support teachers during the COVID pandemic (lesson plans, online modules and videos). The conference was co-organised by the Lithuanian Ministry of Education Science and Sports, the Lithuanian Centre of Education for Blind and Visually Impaired People and the Department of Counselling for Children with Developmental Disabilities in Lithuania.
SWPBS is being implemented by a consortium of 11 partners in Cyprus, Greece, Romania and Finland. In Cyprus, the project is being implemented by the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth in collaboration with CARDET and INNOVADE LI, with the participation of 32 primary schools across the island. For more information visit
The UpGrad_Me 2.0 project seeks to improve the employability of migrant youth, newcomers, asylum seekers and refugees at the European Union, promoting labour orientation and career counselling through Video Games and gamification methodologies.
The consortium of the UpGrad_Me 2.0 project comprises of four partner organizations from Malta (AMAM), Spain (SSF), Italy (Arciragazzi) and Cyprus (CARDET). These organizations work daily with young Migrants, Newcomers, Asylum seekers and Refugees (MNAR) in different projects, providing labour orientation and career counselling as well as promoting their empowerment and supporting and upskilling them with different programs, some of them related with digital technologies.
The DEHORS consortium is proud to announce the release of the Online Interactive Map of the project. Having completed two (2) workshops engaging pre-school teachers and experts from different European countries, together with some coordination meetings of the consortium, a map was developed comprising of eight (8) different areas. Those areas refer to the outdoor environment, which can be enhanced in order to be stimulating and inviting for children.
Different experts from the field of Early Childhood Education and Care, as well as landscape architecture, have contributed in the development of the map for its maximum impact. In addition, the map is also employing the ‘Evaluation Model of the 7 Cs (Herrington, Brunelle and Brussoni, 2017), which has been proven to be very beneficial for children’s academic and socioemotional development. Specifically, the 7 Cs refer to ‘Character, Context, Connectivity, Clarity, Chance, Change and Challenge’, which are all elements that should be taken into account when pursuing outdoors education.
As illustrated below, the eight (8) areas developed are the following: Structured Playzone, Relaxing Zone, Wild Area, Learning Pathways, Secret Places, Garden for all Senses, Outdoor Atelier and Meeting Places. Each area provides users with a definition and learning objectives, which are accompanied by relevant activities. The activities for each area have been pilot tested by pre-schools in Cyprus, Latvia, Italy and Sweden. In addition, the users can find relevant literature and the connection to four EU countries’ national curriculum. The next steps of the project include the development of a handbook for teachers and an online environment with Modules on Outdoors Education for pre-schools.
In the past months, we have been working on the finalisation of the UMARG project’s second intellectual output, a learning design framework and the UMARG scenarios. 20 UMARG scenarios that promote digital and civic competences in the context of sustainable development have been developed in total by educators from the schools participating in the project.
Find out more about our newly released learning design framework, the UMARG scenarios, and upcoming activities of the project in UMARG’s 2nd Newsletter!
Τους τελευταίους μήνες, έχουμε καταφέρει να ολοκληρώσουμε το δεύτερο παραδοτέο του έργου UMARG, ένα μαθησιακό πλαίσιο σχεδιασμού και τα σενάρια UMARG. Έχουν σχεδιαστεί συνολικά 20 σενάρια επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας UMARG από εκπαιδευτικούς σχολείων που συμμετέχουν στο έργο, τα οποία προωθούν ψηφιακές και πολιτικές ικανότητες στο πλαίσιο της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης.
Μάθετε περισσότερα για τον μαθησιακού πλαισίου σχεδιασμού, τα σενάρια UMARG και τις επερχόμενες δραστηριότητες του έργου στο δεύτερο ενημερωτικό δελτίο του UMARG!
EDEEY offers an innovative, accredited training course to prepare those without access to infinite capital on how to utilise digital entrepreneurship as a way of poverty alleviation, whilst also increasing the creation of jobs for their peers. Non-formal education is just as crucial as formal education for the development of young people to suit the new future of work, therefore EDEEY is a vital initiative to adequately prepare young people for the labour market. In addition to the youth-led, innovative training programme that the project will create and pilot, it will generate numerous entrepreneurial social action activities through youth volunteering and internships.
Adopting a youth-led methodology, the project will construct and implement evidence-based, well-tested and replicable educational and training curricula to develop young peoples’ practice, creative and entrepreneurial skills to enable them to harness the power of digital entrepreneurship and offer economic empowerment.
The objective of the project is to develop and implement innovative programme of 6 courses in the newly-emerged area in the field of entrepreneurship.
The Intellectual Outputs of the project are:
Curriculum development for young people.
An eLearning platform.
Face-to-Face Training for participants in all participating countries.
Target groups (marginalised youths and youth educators) will benefit from receiving innovative and quality training, increase their knowledge regarding digital entrepreneurship, increase creativeness and strengthen their entrepreneurial skills.
STEAMitUp is a 24-month project which will develop an interdisciplinary STEAM program to empower students, school leaders, school staff and school communities to apply STEAM activities, robotics and digital tools to develop 21st century skills for students (creativity, problem-solving, self-esteem and collaboration).
This will be achieved through a systemic approach engaging teachers, school leaders, students, and school staff. The project will develop an innovative e-learning space for school leaders and staff and will use blended methodologies (face-to-face, online, and mobile), tools and activities. The project will involve students, teachers, school leaders, and school staff in a participatory and empowering manner.