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Artistic Reality In School educaTion: enActed, Reflective and Collaborative learning with the HUman orrery Space

Artistic Reality In School educaTion: enActed, Reflective and Collaborative learning with the HUman orrery Space

Tremendous achievements of human space exploration in the past 50 years have, and continue to, inspire the younger generation into science and to wonder about our Solar System in particular. Astronomy provides a highly motivating context for learners to develop observational skills, discover methods of scientific inquiry, and explore some of the fundamental laws of physics and concepts of mathematics in both an attractive and meaningful way. Teaching astronomy in primary school is always a challenge since primary teachers are often more open to literature or traditional disciplines like history, mathematics, art than to STEM with a practical artistic background. In secondary education, teachers are experts in their own subjects only. The provision of a holistic teaching framework aspires to guide them in implementing meaningful STEAM projects. The ARISTARCHUS project aims at building on the Human Orrery, a 3D kinesthetic model of planetary motion in the inner solar system, to engage young learners in interdisciplinary and inclusive STEAM activities

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Target Groups

Teachers, Students

Education Level

Primary education, Secondary, Professional education