STEAM4LIFE – Empowering and Inspiring Higher Education students in the STEAM field

The project is fully in line with the priority “Developing STEM/STEAM in higher education, in particular women participation in STEM” as its aim is to empower and inspire women to engage in STEAM, with the use of hands-on, digital and non-digital STEAM activities and tools. Students (with emphasis on women) will participate in a comprehensive mentorship program that will help them enhance their confidence and self-esteem towards STEAM, motivating them to consider engaging with STEAM in the future. STEAM4LIFE will be implemented in HE Institutions and will help to promote the participation of women in STEAM. Research indicates that there is only a small percentage of women consisting the workforce in science, technology, engineering, math, and arts (STEAM) and men vastly outnumber women majoring in most STEM fields. Thus, through the Guidance and Mentoring Programme implementation and the collaboration among Industry and HE, students’ confidence and self-esteem will be improved, and there will be efforts by industry leaders too (especially women) to encourage females to also consider a relevant career in the future.

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