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Month: July 2024

VideoTeach Concludes with the Release of its Final Newsletter

After two years of pioneering efforts to enhance digital skills among educators, particularly in rural areas, the VideoTeach project has proudly released its sixth and final newsletter. This milestone not only marks the successful completion of the project’s key objectives but also leaves a lasting legacy in the field of digital education.

Throughout its journey, VideoTeach has empowered educators by promoting video-based learning as a dynamic tool for digital teaching. As the project wraps up, its rich repository of resources remains available, ensuring that educators can continue to innovate and create more interactive, engaging learning environments.

We invite educators and key stakeholders in the educational community to explore these resources, which promise to contribute to the future of digital education across Europe.

Find out more about the project’s results in the newsletter below.

It’s a wrap – VIDEOTEACH concludes its work

After two years of creativity and fruitful collaboration with our partners from eight countries, our VIDEOTEACH project is reaching its conclusion. With the aim of developing the digital competences of VET trainers and promoting video education as a tool for digital teaching, the project has yielded impressive results, including an array of innovative resources and multiple initiatives and actions.

Drawing on their diverse expertise and experience, the implementing partners focused on producing tailored, useful tools to support educators in advancing their professional development. As a result, the project has produced a competency profile and a CV template, complemented by a Self-assessment tool that educators can use to identify skill gaps and formulate development plans. Most importantly, the VIDEOTEACH project created a comprehensive online video course that guides trainers and teachers through the steps and techniques necessary to incorporate videos into their lessons, enhancing interactivity.

The project’s resources and tools are available on its website. The video course and additional video content can be accessed on the project’s platform and YouTube Channel:

As the VIDEOTEACH project draws to a close, the impact of its contributions will continue to resonate within the educational community. The resources developed are set to empower educators, fostering a more interactive and engaging learning environment. We encourage educators to explore and utilize these resources, and we look forward to witnessing the continued growth and success of digital education facilitated by the tools and knowledge shared through the VIDEOTEACH project.

Empowering the Innovators of Tomorrow: Fostering Green & Social Entrepreneurship in Schools

The growing awareness of social and environmental issues of recent years, has fueled the demand for innovative and sustainable solutions to navigate through the increasingly complex realities and issues our societies and the world face. This shift is also reflected in the priorities of young people, who are increasingly interested in leading or participating in initiatives that positively impact society.

The Rise of Social Innovation and Green Entrepreneurship

Social innovation and green entrepreneurship are thus gaining prominence as effective responses to social and environmental challenges. At the same time, it becomes increasingly clear that the innovators of tomorrow, as well as all citizens, must be equipped not only with technical skills but also with a deep understanding of social and environmental responsibility.

Projects like INITIATION play a crucial role in this context, focusing on fostering these values in school education.

INITIATION: Fostering Green Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in School Education

A joint initiative of leading education and research institutions from four EU countries – Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Estonia – INITIATION focused on fostering green social innovation and social entrepreneurship in secondary education. Through a structured and comprehensive plan, the partners developed structured and innovative resources and activities to cultivate a socially-driven entrepreneurial spirit among high school students, inspiring them to become agents of change in their local communities.

By merging green social innovation and social entrepreneurship, the project aimed to raise students’ awareness of environmental and social challenges and empower them to act creatively and ethically. It also sought to instill an impact-oriented mentality, encouraging students to think beyond personal gain and consider the broader implications of their actions.

Why Focus on Secondary Education?

Schools are the breeding ground for the leaders of tomorrow. They play a pivotal role in shaping the values, skills, and mindsets of young individuals. Integrating green social innovation and social entrepreneurship into school curriculums can have far-reaching benefits:

  1. Encouraging Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: Engaging students with real-world problems encourages them to think critically and develop practical solutions.
  2. Promoting Ethical and Responsible Behavior: Teaching students about sustainability and social responsibility helps to cultivate ethical leaders who prioritize the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.
  3. Preparing Students for Future Careers: The demand for jobs in the green economy and social enterprise sectors is growing. Providing students with relevant knowledge and skills prepares them for successful careers in these fields.
  4. Fostering a Sense of Agency and Empowerment: Involvement in impactful projects helps students develop a sense of agency and empowerment, leading to increased engagement and motivation in their academic and personal lives.

The INITIATION Contribution

Building on these principles, the INITIATION project team developed a holistic approach taking firm steps to integrate these concepts into the educational systems of the participating countries. The cornerstone of the project was the development of a methodological framework that encompassed key components for integrating social entrepreneurship and green social innovation education into school curricula, fostering a hands-on learning experience.

This framework was complemented by tangible learning resources, specifically designed to enhance students’ knowledge and involvement in the field, as well as a Teachers’ Handbook to support educators in delivering transformative and practical learning experiences.

Testimonials and Impact

These tools and resources were successfully implemented in 4 schools across the participating countries, receiving highly positive feedback from the more than 100 students and teachers who participated in its actions and training workshops.

“This program helped me understand how social entrepreneurship can lead to positive change,” Giannis, a Greek student from Kalamata High School, remarked. “I never imagined my passion for sustainability could translate into a viable business plan.”

Educators also praised the project for its extensive resource library and experiential learning methodology. “Students can practically explore social entrepreneurship within the framework of the INITIATION curriculum,” said Nicholas Shiaxiate, a history teacher at The Junior Senior School in Nicosia, Cyprus. “Watching my students gain confidence in their ability to be socially conscious innovators has been immensely rewarding.”

Conclusion and the Future

The INITIATION project concludes its work on July 31st, having profoundly impacted educational institutions in the participating countries, planting the seeds for an innovative and environmentally conscious culture. The project’s work also represents a paradigm shift in education that, if emulated and expanded, can transform how students perceive and respond to social and environmental challenges in their communities.

To sustain and amplify this impact, it is crucial to invest in mainstreaming relevant educational programs, utilizing the resources developed, and learning from the project’s work. Cross-sector collaborations between educational institutions, policymakers, schools, and existing social entrepreneurs can build a strong ecosystem that fosters and accelerates the expansion of green social innovation from the ground up.

The conclusion of INITIATION marks not an end, but a beginning—a call to continue empowering the innovators of tomorrow.

Learn more about INITIATION and access its resources here

RALExILA – National Registries of Adult Learning and Education to support the deployment of Individual Learning Accounts

The RALExILA project is dedicated to enhancing access to adult training opportunities by improving the quality of Adult Learning and Education (ALE) programs and making access systems more efficient and equitable. This involves ensuring clear information, increasing learners’ understanding of available opportunities, and improving funding and guidance services. The project aims to develop a model and proof of concept for an integrated information system that links national registries for training opportunities. This system will focus on interoperability, accessibility, and inclusiveness, ensuring high-quality ALE provisions for all.

Civic Champions- Empowering civil society organisations and activists championing human rights and democratic values in the EU

The Civic Champions project seeks to strengthen democratic values and civic participation in Southern Europe by enhancing the capacity of civil society actors to become active agents in addressing and reversing the ‘shrinking civic space’ phenomenon. This initiative is carried out by a consortium of organizations from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, and Cyprus.

Civic Champions aims to empower CSOs and practitioners to identify, report, and address threats and violations while promoting positive narratives. Through a focus on capacity building, the establishment of early warning systems, and the implementation of evidence-based actions, the project strives to safeguard fundamental rights and ensure a vibrant civic environment.

During the project, the implementing partners will develop the following key outputs:

  1. Reports on the State of Civil Society in Southern Europe: Comprehensive analyses of the current legal and political landscapes, documenting the main threats faced by CSOs in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, and Cyprus.
  2. Early Warning Mechanism for Civic Space Threats: An online platform designed to identify and address challenges faced by CSOs, NGOs, and activists, helping to mitigate risks to civic space.
  3. Capacity Building Programme for CSOs: A robust training initiative to empower civil society practitioners in policy advocacy, community engagement, and effective communication.
  4. Documentary: A video production that explores and debunks myths and negative narratives surrounding CSOs, providing a compelling defense of civil society’s role.

A blueprint for the transformation of VET in Tunisia

The DISCOVER project proudly announces the release of the “Digital Learning Strategy Toolkit and Ecosystem Mapping,” a comprehensive guide aimed at enhancing the digital transformation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions in Tunisia. This marks a significant step towards empowering Tunisian VET institutions to navigate the complexities of digital transformation effectively and elevate their capacity to support learners.

The guide documents key insights gathered from the sector, shedding light on current digital learning practices, the framework in which VET institutions in Tunisia operate as well as examples of good practices and effective approaches. Building on these findings, puts forward structured and tailored propositions, aligned with EU frameworks such as SELFIE,  that can be introduced in the Tunisian VET sector. These propositions are designed to help providers enhance their operational processes and improve the efficiency of their learning offerings. Tailored to the realities and needs of the Tunisian VET sector, the guide will serve as the ‘go-to’ resource and an invaluable tool for designing, developing and delivering digital learning strategies.

The Digital Learning Toolkit and Ecosystem Mapping guide can be accessed here

The DISCOVER project addresses the pressing need to facilitate the digitalization of Tunisia’s VET sector. CARDET and its partners, the University of Nicosia and Eurotraining, are working closely with Tunisian VET institutions to transfer their expertise, offering support and guidance to bridge the skill gap identified in the local labor market. By building up the skills and competencies of young graduates, the project aims to enhance their employability and readiness for the modern workforce.

You can find out more about the project here

Exploring New Paths to Inclusive Education in Cyprus

In an increasingly interconnected and diverse world, the importance of inclusive education has never been more apparent. At its core, inclusive education believes that every child has the right to learn and grow in a supportive environment. This approach recognises each student’s unique skills and adapts teaching methods accordingly.

Instead of isolating students with disabilities or with fewer opportunities like migrants, inclusive education integrates them into mainstream classrooms, providing the support and resources they need to succeed. As a result, it has the potential of not only enhancing academic achievement but also fostering social and emotional development. By learning in diverse environments, students develop empathy, cultural competence, and critical thinking skills, which are essential for success in an increasingly globalised world.
Although the advantages of inclusive education are evident, achieving effective and consistent implementation throughout the entire system remains difficult. Schools often find themselves facing challenges such as insufficient resources, lack of teacher training, and resistance to change. Consequently, as the recent findings of the European Commission show, many member states not only miss out on leveraging the full potential of inclusive education, but tend to dismiss its importance. An approach that deepens the associated issues and challenges resulting in low proficiency and early school leaving in the process.

Success of Inclusive Hubs in Cyprus

In a bid to address current gaps, CARDET and the Institute of Development have partnered with fellow European organisations in a common pursuit to support holistic approaches to teaching and learning and creating stronger interagent communities. Through a common initiative – Inclusive Hubs – the partner organisations aim to support the national strategies to facilitate stronger communication between schools and local communities and provide measures to foster inclusion. Towards that end, the partners combined their expertise and experiences together to build engaging and innovative teaching materials to empower educators, students and parents to work collectively and transform schools into inclusive hubs. These were very well received and celebrated when put into practice, in the piloting of the project at the Pallouriotissa A Primary school throughout May and June. 

During this period, CARDET and IoD used the innovative educational materials developed by the partnering countries to showcase to students, parents and school staff, how inclusive education can be fostered within an existing system and be used to celebrate the differences, as well as find the common ground. 

The activities ranged from small games, to exploring the world of music around the world, sharing folklore stories from different countries, as well as compiling a delightful recipe book packed with traditional dishes from students’ homelands. These activities culminated in a touching video of students sharing their favourite things about their school, as well as an impressive final event filled with performances of local and migrant students, celebrating our wonderfully diverse community. 

Through these fun activities, engaging conversations and exchange of opinions, the Inclusive Hubs project has been instrumental in highlighting the importance of acceptance, equality and inclusion within the school premises, as well as outside of it. While the series of activities left the school staff and young learners inspired with actionable take-aways on how to better our school communities, this is merely a step on the long road to making inclusive education a standard across all the schools on the island. 

To be a part of the change and learn more about the Inclusive Hubs initiative, please visit the official project website

VideoTeach Announces Its Latest Updates in a Fresh Newsletter

The VideoTeach project, aimed to develop educators’ digital competences and promote video education as the main tool for digital teaching, is happy to announce key milestones have been achieved towards making this goal a reality across the rural areas in Europe! In particular, with the recent launch of the online self-assessment tool and a dedicated online Video Course on Youtube, rural teachers can now easily expand their competences and introduce digital tools and videos in their classrooms.

Want to access the course or just curious how this will help reshape the landscape of education and sustainability? Download the newsletter below for more information.

The Official Launch of the EPIC Project

The EPIC project (Entrepreneurial Citizenship for Social Change) officially launched with a successful kick-off meeting in Athens, marking the beginning of an inspiring journey aimed at empowering youth workers and young people in the Western Balkans to become active citizens and social entrepreneurs.

EPIC focuses on social entrepreneurship, offering youth the chance to leverage their skills to address social issues, reduce youth unemployment, and foster community development. The project achieves this through two key components: the Training Programme on Social Entrepreneurship and the Toolkits for Development & Operation of Social Enterprises.

At the kick-off meeting, EPIC partners from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Cyprus, Greece, and Kosovo gathered to discuss the project’s objectives, strategies, and upcoming activities. These discussions have set the stage for collaborative efforts to promote active citizenship and social entrepreneurship in the region.

To find out more about EPIC initiative, visit the project’s website and stay tuned for more updates on Facebook and Instagram.

EPIC – Entrepreneurial Citizenship for Social Change

Recognising the power of young people to drive change in their society, the EPIC project is here to empower youth workers and young people in the Western Balkans to become active citizens and social entrepreneurs. It helps participants identify social issues, develop innovative ideas, and, with the right guidance and support, transform these ideas into successful businesses.

Aligning with the EU’s EASI (2020) perspective, the project emphasises social enterprises’ role in addressing social issues through civic commitment, particularly among disadvantaged groups. By focusing on social entrepreneurship, EPIC provides youth with the opportunity to apply their skills to create innovative solutions for social problems, reducing youth unemployment, and fostering community development. Social enterprises create jobs in underserved social and environmental sectors, providing meaningful opportunities and combating social exclusion, skill gaps, and financing barriers.

Specifically, the EPIC project aims to:

  • Foster cooperation across different regions of the world through joint initiatives
  • Raise the capacity of organisations working with young people outside formal learning
  • Support the development of youth work
  • Promote non-formal learning activities, with a view to improve the level of competences while ensuring the active participation of young people in society