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Month: April 2024

Green for Life – Energy efficiency promotion and green transition

The Green for Life project aims to raise awareness and responsibility among young people about ecology and climate change to help achieve objectives proposed by the Green Deal. The Green Deal aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society with a modern, competitive and efficient economy that’s decoupled from the use of fossil fuels. More specifically, it aims to achieve no greenhouse emissions beyond 2050. To this end, the Green for Life project strives to support this initiative by providing new and engaging learning materials, tools, programs, educational visits and more to encourage young people to take an active stance on this matter and more towards a more energy efficient society.

GREEN SHOOTS Releases Its First Newsletter

The GREEN SHOOTS project, aimed at advancing skills of Vocational Education and Training (VET) teachers and trainers across the field of green economy, is excited to share the latest updates and milestones in its first official newsletter.

With a strong focus on leveraging the EU Green Deal and GreenComp initiatives, the project is steadily making steps towards enhancing educators’ pedagogical competences, particularly in technical green skills and digital education. Check out the newsletter below to find out the outcomes of its first partner meeting, as well as the next steps of this important initiative.

GREEN SHOOTS: Green Skills for VET learning

GREEN SHOOTS project is designed to proactively contribute and facilitate the European Commission’s ambition to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. With the key goals of the European Skills Agenda to improve the quality and relevance of education and training, the GREEN SHOOTS aims to modernise vocational education and training, as well as promote the development of new skills for emerging industries, and to encourage the use of digital technologies in learning.

In particular, the GREEN SHOOTS project strives to develop new learning materials and tools that address the green skills, knowledge, and abilities needed by young people and workers to understand and appreciate the future employment opportunities within environmental sustainability, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and resource conservation. Having knowledge of these green sectors can help young people pursue careers in fields related to the environment and close the skills gap necessary to reap benefits for the environment, society, and the climate in a way that also encourages plentiful and more fulfilling job opportunities for young people.

Green VET Choices Unveils Its Interactive Learning Platform

In a bid to address environmental challenges and climate change, Green Vet Choices project has now officially unveiled its latest educational materials and e-learning platform to promote Green Vocational Education and Training (VET) careers.

The platform offers a gamified approach, presenting users with three paths (positive, neutral, negative) on over 24 hypothetical narratives to equip VET trainers with the necessary skills and critical thinking to promote green professions and understanding complex environmental challenges. At the conclusion of each narrative, the outcome is revealed, with the positive paths earning a badge for an added element of gamification and progress tracking.

Another unique feature of the Green Vet Choices’ platform is its career guidance system, which directs users to green VET institutions across Europe offering professional seminars tailored to specific fields. By making these options accessible and available, the project hopes to make a tangible impact in the field and prompt continuous life-long learning for VET professionals, especially at the time of dynamic environmental changes and challenges.

Click here to access the e-learning platform or check out the Green Vet Choices website for more information on this initiative and its focus on fostering green VET careers and promoting the importance of environmentally conscious professions.