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Month: May 2022

ECO-CENT Releases its First Newsletter

The shift from traditional linear models of consumption to more sustainable practices offer untold opportunities for both new and existing businesses in Europe and globally. The potential challenges and benefits associated with the move towards a circular economy have put the emphasis on innovation as a key driver for sustainable economic development. In response to these developments, the ECO-CENT project aims to equip the business community to adopt socially, economically and environmentally sustainable models through provision of targeted training and facilitation local synergies between VET providers and business representatives. Find out more in the newsletter below! 

Studying the impact of digital education and learning

 To study and assess the impact of digital education on children’s learning, our project DIGITEACH has launched a survey focusing on innovative tools that helped teachers and their students in their digital learning experience. Find out how you can help by downloading the project’s newsletter.

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DIGITEACH: Fostering digital and social inclusion in education

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that there is no digital inclusion without social inclusion, with specific social groups being affected the most by crisis. Our brand new project DIGITEACH will be working on promoting the delivery of inclusive education through digital tools. Check out the first newsletter of the project for more.

Download Newsletter – English

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Digital, Social Media, Activism, Rights, Training and Skills

Youth workers with creative digital skills are vital to encouraging, skilling, and motivating young people in youth engagement and activism. DigiSMARTS focuses on youth and how to help them apply digital skills to engage with citizenship, democracy, and social change, and to become influencers and activists, skilled-up and ready to shape the future.

DigiSMARTS, addresses the priority of supporting youth workers in the broad European youth workforce through providing online open access, free educational resources. It will also guide them through the steps required to run a successful online activism project, working with youth in co-producing change in areas such as environmental concerns, employment, and skills, crime levels or social inclusion and equality issues.

DIGITEACH: Fostering digital and social inclusion in education

The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in history, affecting many students in all European Union and it has presented unique challenges to all types and levels of learning. Despite the efforts put in place to ensure “anyone-anywhere-anytime learning”, the pandemic has demonstrated the weakness of a still-unfinished process, highlighting inhomogeneity between territories, problems of connectivity (digital divide), and technological equipment, and aggravating social inequalities.

The current crisis has shown that there is no digital inclusion without social inclusion and students from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds (migrants, asylum seekers, learners with disabilities, and special educational needs) were and still are, the target most affected by the pandemic. Considering this context, DIGITEACH aims to ensure learning continuity for all schools’ learners – with particular attention to those with special education needs (SEN) and on who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by deploying digital tools and methods to deliver quality and inclusive education.

Democratic Dialogue at school: an online game based training tool on Democratic Dialogue for Teachers

The DD@S project believes in the strength of dialogue to tackle intolerance and discrimination at school to stimulate inclusive education all over Europe. Therefore, this project contributes to the professional development of teachers to acquire effective dialogue skills to cope with ethnic, religious, and multicultural conflict situations at school. To achieve the above, the consortium, in collaboration with the schools involved in this project as associated partners and members of the network of the DD@S consortium, will use a multi-perspective approach that actively involves teachers from all participating countries in each step of the project.

Joined expertise of partners will result in a gamification-based training platform of democratic dialogue, including a complete toolkit, teachers’ guide in the teachers’ module, and recommendations for school policy to autonomously implement DD@S in schools.