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Month: January 2019

MOOCs4Inclusion: A comprehensive catalogue of learning resources to bolster integration

MOOCs4Inclusion has successfully completed its quest to map and catalogue available free digital learning (FDL) initiatives for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Through this process, the initiative, that is being implemented by CARDET with the support of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission wishes to afford migrants, refugees as well as practitioners and stakeholders with knowledge and skills that will support and enhance integration.

The initiative run for two years and in two phases that involved an in-depth study and analysis of available learning resources for the inclusion of migrants and refugees that was followed by their mapping and the creation of an online platform-catalogue. Thus, more than 200 resources – in the form of MOOCs, online courses, Apps, Videos etc. – have been made available in a form of a categorized archive that is both user-friendly and make each specific item or field of interest easily accessible.

Visitors can browse the catalogue, explore and benefit from the learning resources it features which include among other teacher training manuals, employability support toolkits and online course delving into issues of inclusion, integration and social and civic participation. You can access MOOCs4Inclusion and its rich knowledge hub here.

DiCultYouth project’s kick off meeting in Nicosia

DiCultYouth: Digitisation and Culture for new generations Erasmus+ youth project held its first meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus on the 23rd and 24th of January 2019. In the meeting, representatives of the participating organizations discussed the challenges the project aims to address as well as the early stages of the project. The meeting also served as an opportunity to bond the team in order to maximize the efficiency of the 5-country consortium.

The project aims to boost the digital skills and employability of young people and support education systems and cultural organizations to take advantage of new technologies by building synergies between the creative sectors of culture, education and technology. To reach this goal, the project will create a set of tools that will include an e-Learning training course and an online game which will be accessible from all users online.

Follow DiCultYouth’s Facebook Page to stay updated with the development of the project.

DEIMP online course for educators

The DEIMP consortium is happy to announce that the online course of the project entitled ‘How to design and evaluate innovative mobile pedagogies’ is starting soon. Specifically, educators of primary and secondary education now have the opportunity to participate in an online free course with the aim to guide them on how to develop innovative learning scenarios with the use of mobile technologies.

The course starts on February 1st and ends of March 31st. Participants will receive a certificate of participation with the end of the course.

If you are interested in participating in the online course of the DEIMP project, just call us at: +357-22002108 or drop us an email at:

You can also visit our project’s website to find out more about the project and its objectives.

DEIMP Mobile Application

An innovative mobile application is on its way! CARDET team is responsible to develop the main output of the project ‘Designing and Evaluating Innovative Mobile Pedagogies’ which is a mobile application for educators. The mobile application will be ready by the end of February and then all partners of the project will test it with the schools that participate in the project.

The mobile application will serve as a useful tool for educators to find resources on how to implement a lesson plan with the use of mobile technologies and share with the project’s community his/her own ideas and lesson plans.

If you are a school leader or an educator that is interested to find out more about the mobile application and/or use it, just call us at: +357 22 002108 or drop us an email at:

Don’t forget to visit our project’s website to find out more about the project and its objectives.

European Financial Literacy Game for Adult Citizens

Euroinvestment is a two-year Erasmus+ project (2018-2020) which aims at enhancing the competences of low-skilled adults in financial literacy through the development of an interactive online game. Another important objective will be the development of adult educators’ competences as along with the game project partners will also work for the development of a Handbook with guidelines on how it can be utilized as an educational tool. This will allow an independent use by adult training providers.

Specifically, on the one hand, the project aims to enhance the key competences of adult citizens on financial literacy and basic skills required in the digital area, and which will help them to improve their possibilities to accomplish better job positions and thus reduce employability rates. On the other hand, the project will have a component of a training course/ workshop for adult training providers to develop their competences in financial literacy and the use of the game (digital skills) so that they can adapt and/or reproduce the workshop into their own courses for adult citizens. The project methodology will be based on non-formal and game-based learning methodologies and the resources that will be produced, such as the strategic plan for financial education of low-skilled adults in Europe, the Euroinvestment game and the handbook, will aim to improve and extend the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults.

DEIMP Multiplier Event in Cyprus

The first Multiplier event of the DEIMP project in Cyprus took place on October 24, 2018 at the premises of the 2nd Primary School of Engomi, in Nicosia. A total of 20 primary school teachers, the school leader, and the vice principal of the school attended the event and expressed their satisfaction with the progress of the mobile application, and the fruitful discussions that was conducted including topics such as the pedagogical principles that underlie the development of mobile learning material.

Overall, the event facilitated the exchange of opinions especially on the development of the mobile application and served as a great opportunity for DEIMP partners to reflect on specific issues while working to make the mobile application an efficient, useful and user-friendly tool for all users.