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Supporting meaningful Occupations for low-qualified Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum seekers using the Green Entrepreneurship Model

Supporting meaningful Occupations for low-qualified Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum seekers using the Green Entrepreneurship Model

The SOMRA project offers an innovative approach to tackle two major challenges of the 21st century; climate change and refugee crises. The main idea of the SOMRA approach is to enable refugees, asylum seekers and low-qualified migrants to become true factors of change that influence positive environmental habits first established on a local and regional level, and eventually even beyond the borders of the EU.

Six partner organisations from six EU countries (UK, AT, IE, FI, PT, CY) have joined forces to develop three main intellectual outputs to achieve these aims.

The consortium will develop the SOMRA Holistic Study Report, which will act as a reliable reference instrument with information on supporting meaningful occupation in the environmental sector.

The SOMRA Green Entrepreneurship Model will also be developed, which will take the form of an accessible handbook, as well as an online media library.

Finally, the SOMRA Green Entrepreneurship Training will be offered as a modular blended-learning course on topics relevant for becoming a green entrepreneur, founding and sustaining an NGO, and more.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079165

Target Groups

Migrants, Adult educators

Education Level

K12, Teacher education, Adult education