ELEVATION – Raising the skills of adults on the margins of lifelong learning

The ELEVATION project proposes to develop a new learning framework to attract those furthest from the mainstream back into education and training. The project will develop the following intellectual outputs to help achieve its objectives:
- IO1 – A suite of 24 thematic mini-learning format resources for key competence acquisition that embed learning in artistic disciplines; cultural disciplines; digital and social media; sport and hobbies.
- IO2 – An in-service training programme and handbook to support adult and community educators to harness the full potential of the bespoke embedded learning resources provided.
- IO3 – A community learning festival planning handbook that contains all the necessary plans and resources to organise a community learning festival.
- IO4 – A bespoke e-learning portal to ensure that marginalised adults have access to all learning resources provided on a range of fixed and mobile devices.
- IO5 – A thought provoking policy paper to fuel the policy debate among adult education authorities.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein [Project number: 2019-1-HR01-KA204-060794].
https://elevationproject.euTarget Groups
Professionals, Adults, Migrants
Education Level
Adult education, Professional education