DEHORS (DEveloping innovative learning contexts in pre-scHools’ OutdooR Spaces)

DEHORS is an innovative project through which the 4 countries involved (Sweden, Italy, Latvia and Cyprus) aim at fostering the development of innovative learning contexts in pre-schools’ outdoor spaces. The project focuses on the fact that outdoor activities can regularly take place in pre-schools, however their quality particularly in terms of learning needs to be improved. The partnership of the project believes there is a need to reflect and improve the pedagogical use of outdoor spaces of pre-schools and focuses on the lack of methods and knowledge among ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care) professionals regarding the design and the best use of outdoor learning environments. The planning of new and/or the use of existing outdoor spaces in pre-schools, requires a broader and innovative perspective, which builds on the expertise and knowledge of several other actors such as architects, engineers, landscape designer, agronomists. The partners of the project believe that pre-school teachers should follow more innovative training paths and develop new learning materials in relation to learning outdoor, equipping them with new knowledge and competences.
DEHORS aims to improve pre-school quality by developing and enhancing knowledge about the design and planning of stimulating learning environments outdoors.
The specific objectives pursued by the project are:
- To improve the quality of children’s learning through innovative outdoor learning environment
- To improve pre-school teacher’s skills and strategies about outdoor activities
- To design innovative outdoor learning spaces by bringing together expertise from different fields.

https://dehors-project.euTarget Groups
Education Level