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MineTOUR: Inspiring Youth for Sustainable Tourism

MineTOUR: Inspiring Youth for Sustainable Tourism

On January 28, 2025, the MineTOUR project successfully hosted an online seminar, bringing together young participants passionate about making a difference in their communities through sustainable tourism. By fostering financial literacy, digital skills, and community engagement, the project equips youth with the tools needed to preserve local cultural heritage and promote responsible tourism practices.

Key Highlights of the Event:
The seminar introduced attendees to the MineTOUR mission and provided a comprehensive overview of the project’s toolkit, which consists of five key modules: sustainable tourism, financial literacy, community engagement, digital skills for sustainable tourism, and innovative approaches to local tourism. Participants actively engaged in discussions and exercises on sustainable tourism, sharing ideas and practical strategies to promote responsible tourism in their regions.

The event offered participants practical knowledge, innovative tools, and valuable insights on how to make a meaningful impact. Additionally, by connecting with like-minded individuals, they took an important step toward building a network of youth committed to sustainable and community-driven tourism.

For more information, visit the project’s official website.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number:2023-1-CY02-KA220-YOU-000154272

Target Groups

Professionals, Youth, Adults, Policy makers, Trainers, VET professionals, Adult educators, Public bodies, Disadvantaged, General public

Education Level

VET, Adult education