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Exploring the Universe through the ‘ARISTARCHUS’ Project: A New Approach to Education

Exploring the Universe through the ‘ARISTARCHUS’ Project: A New Approach to Education

The European project ARISTARCHUS continues to innovate in the field of education with the aim of enhancing STEAM skills through interactive and inclusive activities. The program, which is implemented in Cyprus by the CARDET Research Centre, seeks to encourage students to develop a deeper understanding of our solar system, allowing them to discover science in a fun and effective way.

In Cyprus, Aristarchus has already managed to spark the interest of the younger generation in astronomy, providing an especially appealing framework for the development of observation skills and the practice of scientific research methods. Through this framework, students have the opportunity to explore fundamental laws of physics and important mathematical concepts in a way that combines learning with entertainment.

Recently, the project team introduced an educational program that includes six gamified scenarios for teaching astronomy. The scenarios, available in English, Greek, German, and French, are designed for two age groups: three are aimed at primary school students (ages 9-12) and three at secondary school students (ages 12-15).

The online platform and accompanying educational materials for students and educators are available here. More information about the project can be found on the official ARISTARCHUS website.

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Target Groups

Teachers, Students

Education Level

Primary education, Secondary, Professional education