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Ageing Well Project: Empowering Caregivers Through A Transformative Learning Experience 

Ageing Well Project: Empowering Caregivers Through A Transformative Learning Experience 

A groundbreaking learning opportunity for caregivers supporting the elderly took place online on January 27-28, 2024. The Ageing Well Project, with the active participation of CARDET, successfully delivered a Train-the-Trainers Master Class, offering invaluable insights and practical strategies for enhancing the well-being of older adults.

The interactive sessions featured live-evoking presentations and fostered the exchange of best practices in compassionate caregiving. Caregivers and adult educators engaged in discussions on critical topics, including:

  • Raising awareness of age discrimination and stereotypes
  • Understanding and mapping the fundamental needs of the elderly
  • Building a strong foundation for well-being and quality of life
  • Monitoring and supporting elderly individuals in their well-being practices
  • Effective communication strategies for engaging with the elderly
  • Encouraging positive lifestyle changes and active ageing
  • Addressing compassion fatigue and prioritizing self-care for caregivers

This initiative provided participants with actionable tools and knowledge to enhance their caregiving approaches, ultimately promoting a more supportive and inclusive environment for elderly individuals.

The Ageing Well Project is dedicated to improving the lives of older adults and those who support them. By offering innovative tools, training, and resources, we aim to promote well-being, resilience, and active engagement in society.

For those interested in fostering positive ageing experiences, further resources and information can be accessed through the project’s website, here.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project No. 2023-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000153350

Target Groups

Academics, Researchers, Professionals, Adults, Adult educators, Elderly

Education Level

Adult education, Professional education