We are excited to announce the launch of our new initiative Ageing Well, following the first official kick-off meeting that took place between 13th and 14th of March. CARDET, in collaboration with the Institute of Development, had the pleasure of hosting European partners to discuss the essential steps towards supporting the large population of older adults and keeping them engaged in lifelong learning, as one of the key contributing factors to wellbeing at any age.
In particular, the Ageing Well project aims to design and deliver an innovative program that will focus on supporting older people, as well as Adult Educators and caregivers who work with the elderly. The training program will help all target groups in acquiring and developing skills and competencies to cope with the changes that accompany the ageing process and successfully embrace this natural process of life and thrive. The training program will focus not only on providing tools so they can elevate their wellbeing, but also on empowering both target groups to combat age discrimination and achieve equity and social cohesion.
In addition, cutting-edge and practice-oriented educational approaches will be introduced as part of the project to help elderly’s and their caregivers’ personal and social resources. Cultivating basic skills of wellbeing that include emotion-regulation, interpersonal skills, and meaning will provide a sufficient framework to encourage people to embrace life and growth at all ages.
For more information about the project, please visit the dedicated page here.

Target Groups
Academics, Researchers, Professionals, Adults, Adult educators, ElderlyEducation Level
Adult education, Professional education