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Author: Hanna Yerega

VideoTeach Announces Its Latest Updates in a Fresh Newsletter

The VideoTeach project, aimed to develop educators’ digital competences and promote video education as the main tool for digital teaching, is happy to announce key milestones have been achieved towards making this goal a reality across the rural areas in Europe! In particular, with the recent launch of the online self-assessment tool and a dedicated online Video Course on Youtube, rural teachers can now easily expand their competences and introduce digital tools and videos in their classrooms.

Want to access the course or just curious how this will help reshape the landscape of education and sustainability? Download the newsletter below for more information.

Teamwork2 Launches HotDesk to Combat Sexual Harassment at Work

Teamwork2, in collaboration with the Paphos Chamber of Commerce and Industry office, is proud to announce the successful launch of its new HelpDesk service, a free telephone support line dedicated to providing legal advice on matters of sexual harassment at work. This initiative is fully supported by a reputable legal firm, ensuring expert guidance is readily available to those in need.

This significant milestone marks a huge step towards enhancing prevention and protection mechanisms of sexual harassment, and explores new proactive interagency collaboration to address the needs of victoms of sexual harassment in the workplace, as well as provides capacity building and support to employers, organisations and HR professionals. 

Working two-fold, the HelpDesk aims to:

  • Provide confidential legal advice: offer victims practical guidance and advice on their rights, the steps they can take to address the issue, and the legal avenues available for seeking justice.
  • Contribute to Policy and Code Development: Advise on creation and implementation of comprehensive policies and codes of conduct aimed at preventing sexual harassment.
  • Advocate for Awareness and Prevention: Offer strategies and best practices to raise awareness about sexual harassment and promote a culture of zero tolerance.
  • Offer Investigation and Support: Guide employers on how to properly investigate claims of sexual harassment and how to support victims within the workplace.

The HelpDesk is now operational and available to the public. To access the service in Cyprus, individuals can call the dedicated telephone line – 26 81 81 73 – during business hours for immediate assistance. 

For more information about this project, its goals and supporting materials, please visit the official website of Teamwork2.

Celebrating LEADING 2030 Latest Successes During Fourth Transnational Meeting

In a collaborative effort to drive sustainable practices across Europe, LEADING 2030 partners met in Cyprus for the 4th Transnational Working Meeting. Drawing close towards the end of the project, CARDET welcomed partners from Estonia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain to discuss and strategise the remaining tasks before successfully concluding the project.

In particular, the LEADING 2030 consortium celebrated the completion of the LEADING 2030 Practice Principles Framework and also focused on the progress of the LEADING 2030 Upskilling Programme. The meeting also gave an opportunity to finalise the preparation for the piloting of the Corporate MOOCs and consulting sessions with business leaders, scheduled for September and October, later this year.

In addition, the partners presented the LEADING 2030 StoryMaps outlining the best practices in regards to sustainability specific to the contexts of their individual country and region. These best practices will be presented on the LEADING 2030 WebHub by the end of the year. 
To stay in the loop with the progress of the LEADING 2030 project, check out the official website here and stay tuned for more exciting announcements coming soon.

MYCOMM Makeathon Strives to Empower Migrant Youth Advocates Across Europe

On June 13th, the Makeathon event took place in Nice, France, marking a significant milestone on the journey towards migrant youth advocacy for MYCOMM project. This pivotal event brought together thirty dedicated youth workers and migration experts from across Europe with a common goal of creating a European network of youth organisations committed to migrant and refugee inclusion, as well as reinforcing their capacities to communicate and influence policies and public perception.

As part of MYCOMM’s unique focus on audio-visual capacity, the Makeathon brought together youth organisations, migrants and refugees from all over Europe to create 3 videos on integration of migrants and refugees. These videos, produced by 3 different groups, focused on key issues related to inclusion with an overarching aim to raise awareness among migrant and refugee youth about social and economic challenges and vulnerabilities.

In addition, this multifaceted event also hosted meticulously crafted training sessions to further participants’ understanding and essential skills to enhance their advocacy initiatives. These sessions aimed to empower youth workers and migration experts, providing them with the necessary tools to effectively navigate and influence the intricate landscape of migrant youth issues.

Following this inspiring 3-day event, all attendees have had the opportunity to emerge as stronger and more influential advocates for migrant youth, equipped to raise awareness and drive meaningful change within their communities. This event has certainly laid the groundwork for a stronger, more dynamic advocacy movement across Europe, and furthered MYCOMM objectives to elevate the level at which the unique challenges faced by migrant youth are being addressed.

Green Up Yourself Successfully Completes Platform Testing in Cyprus

CARDET, in collaboration with the esteemed Green Up Yourself partners, successfully concluded a Learning, Training, and Teaching Activity in Nicosia, marking a pivotal moment in the project’s journey towards promoting green skills and entrepreneurial training for young people across Europe. Held from June 10 to June 13, the three-day LTTA focused on finalising the Green Up Learning platform and showcasing its revolutionary potential as a free resource for educators, trainers, and the younger generation to leverage the unique potential of rural areas. 

Through insightful in-depth discussions and practical platform presentations, all partners had provided valuable feedback on three distinct sections of the platform: e-Course, Mentoring, and Classroom, as well as got to explore its full set of features aimed to meet varying learning needs. This crucial step has assisted Green Up Yourself project to further refine its content and functionalities, as well as ensure that the learning platform adheres to the highest standard before moving on to the next implementation phase. 

Indeed, the preparation for the piloting stage was certainly one of the main objectives of the meeting. Not only have the partners discussed their experience and best practices on approaches, but they also took part in a specialised workshop on “How to Develop Piloting Workshops in Your Country.” With the gained practical and theoretical support and knowledge, the partners are now even more prepared to train youth and educators back in their home countries across the EU. 

For more information about this ambitious initiative aimed at fostering environmental sustainability and green entrepreneurship among young individuals in rural areas, visit the official Green Up Yourself website. And don’t forget to stay tuned for the upcoming release of the learning platform populated with comprehensive modules on various aspects of green business and digital competencies.

Empowering Sustainability: SDG NAVIGATOR Releases New Resources for VET Educators and Trainers

The SDG NAVIGATOR project, funded under the Erasmus+ programme, is excited to announce the official release of its latest resources aimed at transforming the landscape of vocational education and training (VET) through sustainability-driven entrepreneurial mindsets and skills. Together with the partners from Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Slovenia, and Austria, the project has now successfully completed the Sustainability NAVIGATOR Learning Path and SDG NAVIGATOR Digital Hub & Toolbox, creating an innovative systematic approach to assist VET educators and trainers in promoting a more sustainable, social and eco-driven entrepreneurship culture. 

Sustainability NAVIGATOR Learning Path (SNLP)

The Sustainability NAVIGATOR Learning Path (SNLP) offers a structured and comprehensive learning journey through seven stages of sustainability-driven entrepreneurship: get ready, discovery, planning, start-up, build-out, consolidation, and outreach. These modules are designed to enhance individuals’ entrepreneurial competences and maximise their impact on sustainability initiatives. By providing a variety of changemaking tools and learning resources, SNLP empowers learners to navigate and excel in the entrepreneurial process, and helps VET educators and trainers to assist through this process in a coherent and structured way. 

SDG NAVIGATOR Digital Hub & Toolbox (SNDH)

The SDG NAVIGATOR Hub and Toolbox (SNDH) is an online, open-access platform that complements the SNLP. It integrates the Sustainability Changemakers Competences Dictionary (SCCD) with the SNLP to offer personalised and action-oriented learning experiences. The SNDH provides a thematic toolbox featuring interactive exercises, storytelling, videos, infographics, action cards, flashcards, quizzes, and more. These resources are tailored to support dynamic and tailored training on sustainability-driven entrepreneurship, making it easier for educators, consultants, and individuals to address specific competences and challenges.

Next Steps 

Both the SNLP and SNDH are freely available on the SDG NAVIGATOR website in seven languages: German, Greek, English, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Slovenian, and Spanish. These resources ensure broad accessibility and support for VET learners, providers, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders across Europe. 

Following the successful release of these resources, the project is now scheduled to move on to the piloting phase, where the proposed materials will be put into practice for further refinement and feedback. To stay in the loop with the future developments and to find information on how to get involved with this important initiative, please follow SDG Navigator Facebook page.

SDG NAVIGATOR Releases Its Latest Newsletter

SDG NAVIGATOR, aimed at creating unique, learner-centered, and action-oriented learning resources for VET trainers to help excel sustainable, social and eco-entrepreneurship, has just released its latest newsletter packed with exciting project updates. 

In particular, the newsletter celebrates the successful completion of the Sustainability Changemaker Competencies Dictionary (SCCD), as well as the considerable progress made towards Sustainability Navigator Learning Path and Digital Hub & Toolbox that will be soon available on the official website of the project

In addition, the newsletter also highlights the key points raised during the last two transnational partner meetings, including management, quality control, impact assessment, communication strategies and the upcoming pilot phase. To find out more about the chartered course of the project and more information about the free resources developed by the project, please download the newsletter below. 

MILES – MIL and PRE-BUNKING approaches for Critical thinking in the education sector

A strong vulnerability to exposure to disinformation, fake news and risks directly related to the digital world, is significantly aggravated by the difficulty of developing rational critical thinking, especially for young people. Misinformation, cyberbullying, extreme thinking, propaganda, and news distortion are just some of the risk factors that one is exposed to in the digital era. This information overexposure affects transversally all citizens who primarily inform themselves using digital tools.

For educators,  it is also equally as difficult to embed critical teaching approaches into their daily practice, becoming first-hand aware of their own biases, psychological reflexes and mental processes, yet in their professional life it is crucial that they can stimulate critical thinking in their daily lectures, not restricting it to a mere passive transfer of information and concepts.

With this challenge in mind, the MILES project aims to build resilience against disinformation and promote independent and critical thinking in the educational sector. MILES – MIL and PRE-BUNKING approaches for Critical thinking in the education sector aims to develop, test and assess innovative approaches for MIL (Media and Information Literacy), pre-bunking, data and digital literacy in the educational sector, intervening in both ITT (Initial teacher training) and CPD (Continuous Professional Development) for preparing current and future teachers to address the growing complexity of societal challenges posed by the online environment.

Becoming Active Citizens Through Minecraft-enhanced Virtual Tourism

CARDET is excited to announce the launch of a new initiative, MineTOUR aimed at empowering youth from rural areas to become active citizens through Minecraft-enhanced virtual tourism. This initiative comes in response to the observed pattern of young people facing unique challenges in rural areas, including limiting economic opportunities, higher levels of poverty and unemployment, with limited engagement in voluntary activities.

The MineTOUR project aligns with the European Union’s goals to support rural development and preserve cultural heritage, aiming to stimulate growth, create jobs, and foster community development. By integrating the EU’s Agenda for Rural Development, the project combines several key objectives to drive this essential transition.

In particular, the project is set out to encourage young people from rural areas to participate in developing and promoting local tourism, in turn exploring the values of active citizenship and sustainability initiatives through practice. In addition, the project aims to provide educational opportunities and tools to youth to be better equipped for a more effective promotion and engagement with civil societies. By creating opportunities to work for the common goal and together further their skills, the young people in rural areas will also have the opportunity to build stronger social connections and bond with like-minded individuals from Cyprus and abroad leading to a cross-cultural exchange and collaboration. 

To learn more about how you can make a difference with the MineTOUR project visit the official website of the project, and follow the MineTOUR Facebook account to keep up to date with the project’s announcements and developments. 

CARDET Responds to the Call for Pan-European Action to Tackle Digital Divide

As digital innovation advances, the importance of digital literacy and inclusion becomes increasingly critical for both personal and professional life. According to the European Union, more than 90% of jobs in Europe already require basic digital knowledge alongside traditional skills. However, the same research points out that over 30% of Europeans currently still lack basic digital skills, with Cyprus being among the countries that have considerable room for improvement.  

So the obvious question arises: how can we better uphold the standards in Cyprus and across the EU to ensure a continuous and strategic digital transformation that adequately addresses both the current and future needs?

It’s Time to Go ALL DIGITAL

In response to this exceedingly growing need, which lies at the core of the EU’s and Cyprus’s bid to effectively navigate the transformative developments of the digital transition, the ALL DIGITAL Network runs an annual awareness campaign focused on digital skills for inclusion, empowerment and employment. The AD Weeks campaign, utilises a mix of workshops, presentations and info sessions to popularise digital competencies, as well as inform trainers and citizens about the latest developments. The actions also aim to provide access to the latest educational tools and training programs in support of Europeans with insufficient digital proficiency. 

And this year is no exception. Kicking off on the 13th of May, this year’s campaign was successfully managed across Europe by National Coordinators and ran for a total of 3 weeks. Through its actions, it engaged thousands of people to inform and inspire them about the potential of digital technology, with CARDET and Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) leading the promotion of digital literacy in Cyprus. Working across five distinct pillars, the organisations have touched on the multiple blocks towards innovation, economic growth and eradicating digital divide, resulting in a heightened awareness of the digital trajectory. 

The two partners, officially launched the AD Weeks campaign in Cyprus with an engaging and thought-provoking webinar on the latest trends and innovative digital tools educators, trainers and organisations can utilise to promote the digital skills of their learners. The webinar, attended by over  250 participants, also served as an opportunity for CARDET and the CCS to present the scope and objectives of the ALL DIGITAL Weeks, as well as explore how participants can make the most of upcoming events as well as bring their own initiatives into the mix.

Building on the success of the introductory webinar, CARDET also leveraged the extensive expertise and experience of its team organising and delivering multiple info sessions, discussions and training workshops welcoming a diverse set of audience. Said events, delving into and furthering the aims of the campaign, illustrated innovative tools and practical solutions in promoting digital skills across all levels of education – school, adult, higher and vocational education. 

The Centre sought to have a holistic and multidimensional approach to the issue, hosting discussions with stakeholders to explore policy measures and effective strategies in support of digital education and hands-on workshops for educators, trainers and students. Across a span of eight impactful events, CARDET’s team also delved deep into Digital Learning, introducing innovative gamified learning platforms and the power of Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, and immersive simulations to ignite a passion for digital literacy, astronomy, and STEAM.

The campaign has been a truly fulfilling experience for the team’s professionals and trainers, seamlessly bridging the gap between theory and practice. And the numbers speak volumes: over 150 individuals were not only participants but beneficiaries, empowered by the wealth of knowledge and tools imparted through these transformative activities.

What now? 

Building on the success of these initiatives, CARDET remains committed to helping future generations thrive in an increasingly digitised world. Through comprehensive actions, initiatives, and projects, the Centre strives to foster digital skills through targeted educational programs and lifelong learning opportunities – all with an overarching aim of helping Cyprus pave the way for a more inclusive and technologically adept society. Learn more about CARDET’s projects and initiatives here