Workshop: «Air Quality in Balkan-Med: Challenges and Solutions»

The Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology is organizing on February 28th 2019, 08:30 – 16:00, at The Classic Hotel (El Greco Conference Room) in Nicosia, a Workshop under the theme “Air Quality in Balkan-Med: Challenges and Solutions“. The Workshop is organized within the project “Fostering resource efficiency and climate change resilience through community based Air Quality Internet of Things – AIRTHINGS” and aims at informing general public and relevant stakeholders about air quality.
During the workshop, the existing air quality data and problems encountered in the wider Balkan region and the Mediterranean will be presented and discussed, in order to address the issue through already implemented practices and the AIRTHINGS project. In this context, public bodies, government representatives and individuals from the private sector will have the opportunity to contribute by expressing their opinions through interventions, speeches and discussions.
The AIRTHINGS Project is co-funded by the Transnational Cooperation Programme “Interreg V-B Balkan-Med 2014-2020” and aims at fostering sustainable development and mitigating climate change in the region through joint cooperation measures and transfer of experience between the six project partners. The main objective of the project is to propose to national and regional authorities innovative and cost effective measures that ensure better air quality in urban areas and at the same time to raise public awareness, so that policies will be easily adopted by public bodies and citizens.
For more information, please contact Ms. Koula Aristodemou, Project Coordinator, at or +357 22002101. For registrations please click here.

Target Groups
8, 16, 18Education Level
1, 2, 3, 8