Urbagri4Women Kick-off Meeting, Perugia, Italy

Urbagri4Women is a European 24-months project funded by the European Commission Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) [Project Number: HOME_2015_AMIF_AG_INTE_9098]. It aims to foster the integration of migrant women, including asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection in the host society, enabling them to develop innovative and subsistence agricultural initiatives that contributes to urban rehabilitation.
Let by TAMAT – Italy, this project gathers together 7 organisations from 7 European countries: AIDGLOBAL – Portugal; AMSED – France; CARDET – Cyprus; GYROS – England; IED – Greece; and Südwind – Austria. The Urbagri4women consortium aspires to implement several initiatives promoting the integration of migrant women in these 7 European countries, in the absence of an effective policy of inclusion of migrants in the EU.
In the kick-off meeting in Perugia, Italy, between 1st – 4th March 2017, partners planned the six main activities they will focus on between December 2016 – November 2018:
- 7 Urban Agriculture Labs
- 21 Focus Groups with regional communities with specific know-how
- Transnational Workshop of Good Practices in Strasbourg, France
- Transnational Gardening Contest
- Green Paper and Manifesto on the integration of migrant women
- Final Conference in Lisbon, Portugal
The next partner meeting will take place in Bologna, in early September 2017.

http://www.urbagri4women.com/Target Groups
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