The Mediterranean Migration Network organized a study visit in Rome

The Mediterranean Migration Network (MMN) organized a two-day study visit for 7 delegates of Cyprus public services, local authorities and NGOs to Rome, Italy. Italy is one of the main landing points for migrants who cross the Mediterranean. Over the last 10 years, Italy managed to absorb hundreds of thousands of migrants (especially from Africa).
In this frameworks, the objective of the MMN study visit to Rome were:
- To introduce the network to Italian stakeholders active in the field of migration, integration and asylum;
- To increase the visibility of the network by sharing good practices and experiences
- To build new ways of communication and exchange.
The study visit that took place on 14th and 15th of June 2018 was attended by representatives of Asylum Migration and Integration Fund and European Funding Unit of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Cyprus, Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Cyprus, Asylum Service of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicosia Municipality Multifunctional Foundation, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Cyprus, Opinion and Action (Media Group), Cooperativa sociale San Saturnino onlus, Italy Ministry of Interior, FCEI – Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy /Mediterranean Hope, Campaign and Domestic Programme Funding / Oxfam Italy, UNAR – National Anti-discrimination Office, Polo Intermundia, Civico Zero cooperative, Municipality of Rome, Social Policy Department – Minors Protection/Unaccompanied Children, Agenzia Nazionale Giovani, Diocesan Caritas Viterbo, Fondazione il Faro, Programma Integra, International Organization for Migration, Migrempower project and CARDET.
During the first day of the study visit in Rome participants had a round table session through which they discussed the activities and opportunities of the Mediterranean Migration Network. In addition, participants discussed the current migration situation in Cyprus and Rome. Furthermore, the meeting was divided into three main sessions through which participants had the opportunity to discuss and exchange information and opinions. The sessions were the following:
- Session 1: Safe and legal access for asylum-seekers through resettlement programmes and humanitarian corridors
- Session 2: Children’s integration and Support
- Session 3: Integration Policy and Practice
The second day of the study visit was dedicated to a series of visits in Rome in the Civico Zero safe house for undocumented minors and the Polo Intermundia School.
For more information and to access all the presentations provided by all organizations during the MMN study visit to Rome, Italy, you can visit the MMN eLibrary (registered users only). If you wish to register to the MMN platform click here.