The LUOVA Project Kicks off its bid to develop Online Escape Rooms that Build Creative Thinking Skills

LUOVA, CARDET’s new innovative two-year Erasmus+ project, held its first partner meeting in Virginia, Ireland on the 10th of June that signified the official commencement of its work. The project brings together a consortium of organizations from Ireland, Estonia, Cyprus and Poland that will work towards developing a comprehensive suite of fully-online escape room challenges that will help marginalized youth cultivate and boost their creative and critical thinking.
The escape room challenges will be available via a bespoke, fully mobile, collaborative online learning environment that will grant users access to all the escape room resources that are to be divided into introductory level and advanced level ones. Aside from that, the project partners will also develop and share online an In-service Training Programme for front-line youth workers offering them essential continuous professional development support to enable them to harness the full potential of these new dynamic learning resources.
The LUOVA project further expands CARDET’s portfolio of inventive educational projects that develop and employ ingenious solutions and tech-centric educational tools to further learning and skill advancement. The design and implementation of the project aligns and furthers the Centre’s commitment in carrying out initiatives, actions and projects that use innovative approaches and enterprising solutions to the address societal challenges and benefit society.